Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

WooPayments The design is relatively simple and intuitive. However, each merchant still needs to configure some settings according to the business they operate. Let's take a look at what each option does and how to use it.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

This can be done under "Payment" > "Settings".Find WooPayments settings under.

Attention:After adjusting any WooPayments settings, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click the"Save changes"button. Any settings and changes will only take effect after they are saved!


This section contains some basic options that may not need to be changed often.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

Enable WooPayments

Unchecking this option will make WooPayments no longer available as a payment method at checkout. This means that if the box is unchecked, customers will not be able to pay via WooPayments.

This setting will notwhollyDisable the WooPayments plugin. In other words, even if you uncheck this box, you can still access thesave money in a bank,dealingscap (a poem)disputespage, as well as issuing refunds, etc.

test pattern

Check this box to enabletest pattern. Test mode can be tried while working in the storePayments, refunds, disputesand other such processes without having to process real-time payment information. Unchecking this box will disable test mode and switch the site to live mode, where it will accept real payment methods and actually charge the customer.

Acceptance of payment at checkout

This section allows you to add and edit the payment methods that customers can use to complete their purchases on the website.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

By checking the checkboxes in this section, it is also possible to offer other payment methods to certain customers. Offering these payment methods increases the chances of website visitors purchasing from the website.

Attention:Cannot be unchecked at this timeCredit/debit cardsOptions.

buy first, pay later

This section contains Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) payment methods. These methods provide customers withStronger purchasing powercap (a poem)Flexible payment options, increasing conversion rates.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

Quick Checkout

This section controls which quick checkouts are used on the site and how they look.

Quick Checkout methods are so named because they allow customers to checkout faster than if they hadn't used one of these methods.WooPayments has the following Quick Checkout methods built in:

  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Link by Stripe
  • WooPay

Attention: WooPay and Link by Stripe are currently not compatible. It is not possible to enable both Quick Checkout methods at the same time.


This section contains settings related to how transactions work on the website and how they are displayed to the customer in emails, receipts and bank statements.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

Trading Preferences

If "Enable payments via saved cards" is checked, on the other hand, will allow customers to send theirCard Information Retentioninto an account on the site so that if they repurchase items on the site later, they can pay faster.

If you check the"Issue authorization at checkout, capture later"setting prevents WooPayments from capturing charges automatically. This allows charges to be captured manually at a later time, for example when shipping a shipment.

If this feature is enabled, theBe sure to pay attention.Need to capture each order within 7 days of placing the order. Otherwise, the authorization and the order itself will be cancelled and the funds will be returned to the customer.

Client Statement

client bankstatement of accountSettings control how store charges are displayed on bank statements or in the online banking system.

By default, WooPayments will use theSite URL as the billing descriptor. If there is no billing statement descriptor available, theWooPaymentsWill be used.

The statement descriptor can be changed if desired, but the following rules must be followed:

  • comprise only Latin charactersThe
    • Japanese merchants will also see description fields for kanji and kana.
  • Contains 5 to 22 characters inclusive.
  • Contains at least one letter.
  • Does not contain any of the following characters: ' " *
  • Clearly reflect your company name.

Email supportcap (a poem)Supported Phone NumbersSettings determine the receipts, invoices, and contact information displayed in automated emails from the web store. WeIt is recommended to fill in this informationthat can help prevent disputes with customers who might not otherwise be able to contact customer service.

save money in a bank

save money in a bankPartially controls how often WooPayments deposits funds from an order to an associated bank account or debit card.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

Deposit Schedule

This setting allows you to specify the deposit plan that best suits the site's business.

If from the websitenumber oneIt has been less than 7 days since the transaction was made with WooPayments and it is not possible to change the Deposit Plan until the 7 days have passed.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

Depository bank accounts

Bank account or debit card details are securely stored and managed by WooPayments' payment partner Stripe.

Fraud protection

our Fraud protection feature provides rules that can be used to block suspicious orders before they are placed. This can help avoid Credit card attacks and increase disputes.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

In short, when an order is placed, the fraud protection engine will evaluate the order based on the risk level selected here. Depending on the configuration, the order can be allowed normally or blocked outright.

We recommend that most websites use fundamental Risk level, but with the option to usehigh levelsettings to configure specific fraud protection rules to best fit the site's business type, risk tolerance, and other factors.

If the website language is set to a language other than this oneEnglish (United States)Here you will be able to specify the language you want to use when exporting WooPayments reports.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settingssection provides more flexibility in managing your WooPayments configuration. While you may not deal with these settings on a regular basis, they can be found at the bottom of the settings page.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

Multi-currency enabled

When this feature is enabled, it is possible to accept payments from customers in currencies other than the store currency.

Enabling Stripe Billing for Future Subscriptions

This setting is displayed when Woo Subscriptions is activated in addition to WooPayments. If both are activated, you can select either the on-site billing engine provided by Woo Subscriptions or the off-site billing engine supported by Stripe Billing.

Debug Mode/Logging Error Messages

When this option is enabled, WooPayments writes debugging information to a log file. This is not necessary during normal operation, but for WooPayments issues it's good to contact the officials by email, or even the WooPayments support staff may be able to tell you thatEnable debug modeThe

To view log files and send them to WooPayments officials:

  1. Go to the website dashboard in theWooCommerce > Status > Logs.
  2. Use the drop-down menu to find the name of thewoopayments-and logs that begin with a date.
    • For example, to find a log file created on March 8, 2023, use the drop-down menu to search for a log file namedwoopayments-2023-03-08The
  3. After selecting the log, click"View."button to load it.
  4. Select the entire log content and copy it to the clipboard.
  5. Open a new text file on your computer and paste the contents of the log.
  6. Attach the file to an email reply sent to WooPayments' support staff.

Disable debug mode again after the relevant issues are resolved.

Attention:By default, log files are retained for only 30 days.


If WooPayments is used to accept face-to-face payments, the dashboard'sdisbursementsA new menu item will appear under:Payment > Card Reader. This page contains some settings related to any card reader purchased.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

Receipt details

Customers automatically receive a receipt email after each successful transaction. There is also an option to send printed receipts via the WooCommerce mobile app. Some of the details of these receipts can be found in the "Receipt Details"Customize under the tab.

It is also possible to usePreview printed receiptslink to preview what the printed receipt will look like.

Newbie WooPayments Setup Steps: Quickly Enable Online Payments

Attention:There is currently no way to preview email receipts, but they can be viewed in theWooCommerce > Settings > Email > New ReceiptModify the email template under.

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