How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress

In understanding what causes the WordPressInvalid JSON response errorLet's first understand what triggered the error before we look at the cause of the error.

An error message usually pops up when you're working in the WordPress block editor, and when you try to move theWhen media files are added directly to a blockThis error message also appears.

How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress

Why does the "Invalid JSON Response Error" error trigger in WordPress?

The answer is that when you edit a page or post, theWordPress is constantly communicating with the server to save the changes you've made.The

This communication takes place using JavaScript, which is responsible for sending data in JSON format.

If something goes wrong during communication, such as a problem with the JavaScript code or a problem with the server connection, WordPress will not get the correct response, resulting in this error.

Attention:Before trying to fix this error, you should back up your website because if anything goes wrong, it can be easily restored to the previous state of the website.

Common Causes of Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress

The reasons for "Invalid JSON" errors in WordPress usually include the following:

1. The URL is not set correctly:

in the event thatWebsite URL or WordPress URL is set incorrectly (e.g., URL mismatch or HTTP/HTTPS inconsistencies), the editor may have difficulty connecting to the server, resulting in an error.

How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress

2. Permanent linkgo::

Fixed links are the URLs of your posts and pages. if these links are broken or configured incorrectly, WordPress may not be able to generate the correct JSON response, resulting in an error.

How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress

3.Theme or plugin conflicts::

certain (things)Theme or PluginMay interfere with the editor's ability to communicate with the server. This can be caused by outdated code, conflicts between plugins, or JavaScript execution issues.

4. Server configuration issues::

Configuration errors on the hosting server, such as incorrect SSL Settings, incorrect server permissions or firewall settings may prevent the editor from receiving the expected JSON response.

5. Corrupted .htaccess file::

ought to.htaccessfile controls how the server handles URLs. if this file is corrupted or misconfigured, it may prevent WordPress from handling requests correctly, resulting in JSON errors.

6.Rest APIconcern::

WordPress relies on the REST API to communicate with the server. If the REST API is disabled, blocked, or malfunctioning, it may prevent WordPress from receiving valid JSON responses.

7. JavaScript error:

Errors in the JavaScript code used by WordPress or third-party plugins may cause problems sending or receiving JSON data, resulting in an error.

8. SSL CertificateQuestion:

If the SSL certificate is configured incorrectly, or if there are mixed content issues (using both HTTP and HTTPS), communication between the editor and the server may be interrupted, resulting in JSON errors.

9. Firewall or security plug-in restrictions:

A firewall or security plugin may block necessary requests between the editor and the server, causing the editor to fail to retrieve a valid JSON response.

Understanding these potential causes can help to effectively diagnose and fix "Invalid JSON" errors in WordPress.

How to Fix Invalid JSON Errors? (10 ways)

Next, we'll detail how to fix this problem by following these 10 ways.

Method 1: Check WordPress URL Settings

Incorrect URL settings are a common cause of this problem. You can check this by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate toSettings → GeneralThe
How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress
  1. Check that the "WordPress Address (URL)" and "Site Address (URL)" are both set to HTTPS (if your site uses an SSL certificate).
  2. If you find that the URL settings do not match, correct them and click "Save changes".

This action fixes communication problems caused by mixed HTTP and HTTPS content.

Method 2: Fix Fixed Links on WordPress Website

Fixed links are unique URLs for every page and post in a WordPress site.If these links are misconfigured, it can lead to JSON errors. Here are the steps to fix it:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate toSettings → Fixed LinksThe
How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress
  1. Make sure the correct fixed link structure is selected. If you are not sure, you can start by selecting thedefault settingThe
How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress
  1. Click "Save Changes" and try editing the page again to see if the problem has been resolved.

Method 3: Delete and regenerate the .htaccess file

If your .htaccess file is corrupt, it may cause JSON errors. This can be accomplished by using theDelete old filesand regenerate a new one to solve the problem:

  1. utilization FTP client(e.g. FileZilla) to connect to a WordPress site.
  2. Locate the root directory of your website and download a backup .htaccess file.
How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress
  1. Remove the .htaccess file from the server.
  2. Back in the WordPress dashboard, navigate toSettings → Fixed LinksIf you want to create a new .htaccess file, click "Save Changes" to automatically generate a new .htaccess file.

Regenerating the .htaccess file fixes response issues due to misconfiguration.

Method 4: Disable the plugin and switch to the default theme

Sometimes, a plugin or theme conflict can be the source of the problem. Here are the ways to troubleshoot:

  1. Go to the WordPress dashboard and navigate toPlugins → Installed PluginsThe
  2. Select all plugins and deactivate them in bulk.
How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress
  1. Switch to the WordPress default theme (e.g. Twenty Twenty-Two) and check if the problem is solved.
How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress

If the problem disappears, it means that the plugin or theme is causing the error. Enable the plugins one by one, and when you find the problematic plugin, you can either choose a replacement plugin or contact the developer to solve the problem.

Method 5: Try using the Classic Editor

If the problem is in the block editor, try switching to the classic editor:

  1. Install and activate "Classic Editor"Plugins.
  2. After activation, navigate to theSettings → WritingIf you want to use the "Classic Editor" as the default editor, select "Classic Editor".
How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress
  1. Save the changes and see if the problem has been resolved.

The Classic Editor provides a more stable editing environment, and is especially suitable for users experiencing block editor problems.

Method 6: Check Firewall Settings

Firewalls or security plugins may block communication between servers, resulting in JSON errors. It is possible to temporarilyDisable firewalls or security plug-ins, check if the problem is solved. If the problem disappears, pleaseAdjusting firewall rulesTo do this, make sure that the WordPress editor is allowed to communicate properly with the server.

Method 7: Debugging Logs with the Inspect Element Tool

If you're more technically savvy, you can use your browser's Inspect Element tool to view detailed error logs:

  1. Open Chrome, press F12 or right-click on the page and select "probe".
  2. Go to the Network tab and select "FETCH/XHR"Filtering Ajax requests.
How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress
  1. Troubleshoot possible root causes of JSON errors by checking whether the REST API request was successful.

Method 8: Check the WordPress Debug Logs

Enable WordPress' debug mode to gain more insight into the problem:

  1. show (a ticket) wp-config.php file, add the following code to enable debugging:define('WP_DEBUG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true) ;
How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress
  1. The debug log will record all errors and can be accessed via FTP client /wp-content/ folder in the debug.log File View.

Method 9: Uploading Media Files via Media Library

If the error is in your attempt toUploading media filesWhen it happens, you can bypass this problem and upload files through the media library:

  1. Open the block editor and when inserting an image block, select "media library" for uploading.
How to Quickly Fix Invalid JSON Response Errors in WordPress
  1. Select the file you want to upload and click "Select".

Make sure the file nameNo special charactersto avoid JSON errors.

Method 10: Seek expert help

If all else fails to resolve the issue, it is advisable to contact your web hosting service provider, such as a provider of WordPress hosting services. Their technical support team can often help with complex WordPress-related issues.


Invalid JSON response errors, while seemingly complex, can often be fixed in simple steps. From checking URLs and fixed links to debugging logs, it's possible to troubleshoot the problem step-by-step and find the best solution. If these methods fail to resolve the issue, contacting a professional WordPress support team is the best option.

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