How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

correct configuration WordPress websiteThe email settings are very important to keep in touch with your users. If the settings are not correct, emails may not be sent successfully. This can damage the credibility of the website and the user experience.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

Why are WordPress email settings not working?

Default Email Settings on WordPress Websites Using PHPmail ()function sends a message about theForm SubmissionEmail, account activation, etc.

However, if the web server provider's mail server is not configured correctly, the site may experience email delivery problems. In addition, many popular email services (such as Gmail) mark these emails as spam.

This means that emails sent from the site may go to the spam folder of the user's email account, or may not reach their inbox at all.

The good news is that this issue can be resolved by properly configuring WordPress email settings. So, an SMTP service or plugin is required.

What is SMTP and how does it fix email settings in WordPress?

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol used for email transmission. Unlike the PHP mail() function, SMTP uses proper authentication to send and receive email messages.

By using an SMTP service on your website, you can get high delivery rates, avoid spam folders, and ensure that email notifications reach your users' inboxes immediately.

To properly configure WordPress email settings, it's a little more secure to use a popular SMTP service provider likeSendLayer,Brevo (formerly known as Sendinblue),MailgunmaybeSMTP.comThese service providers are easy to use and secure to send emails from your WordPress website. These service providers are easy to use and securely send emails from WordPress websites.

Once you have chosen an SMTP provider, you must connect your WordPress website to a mail server.

That'sWP Mail SMTPWhere plugins come into play.

It is one of the better WordPress SMTP plugins on the market for sending emails via SMTP. It has great features like email logging, email control, priority support and more.

The advanced version of this plugin even integrates with popular SMTP service providers like SendLayer and Brevo, as well as any WordPress that offers email accounts.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

Configuring WordPress email settings is easy with the WP Mail SMTP plugin and SMTP service provider.

In the tutorial, we are using SendLayer.

Step 1: Create an Account with SendLayer

initial accessSendLayerwebsite and click "Getting Started with SendLayer"Button.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

This will take you to the pricing page, where you can choose a payment plan that suits the needs.

However, if you don't want to buy SendLayer yet, then you can click on the bottom "Try our free trial of SendLayer (send up to 200 emails)"Link.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

This will go into "pay the bill" page, where your email account, password and payment details must be provided.

After creating an account registration, click "Proceed to the dashboard."Button.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

Step 2: Add a domain name for authorization

Next, your domain name needs to be authorized to allow the email server to recognize it as an authenticated sender.

This means that emails sent from the account after authorization will not go to the user's spam folder.

Click on "Add Domain Name"Button.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

This will open a new page where you enter the website domain name in the field.

When finished, click "Add Domain Name"Button.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

SendLayer now automatically generates five types of DNS records for your domain name.

Now, take these notesCopy and paste the records one by oneto the site's DNS settings.

To find these DNS settings, you must go to the WordPress dashboard of your website.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

After adding all DNS records to the hosted dashboard, simply check the "I have added these DNS records and am ready to proceed"Box.

Then, click "Verifying DNS Records"The button continues.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

Keep in mind that DNS record changes may take up to 48 hours to take effect.

To check the domain authorization status, go to the SendLayer dashboard and click "set up"Tab.

Go to "Settings"After the page, switch from the top to "DNS records and settings"Tab.

If the DNS settings have been verified, you will now see a green symbol in the Status column for each type of DNS record.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

Step 3: Copy the SendLayer API key

Now that the domain is authorized, the API key for the SendLayer account can be copied. This API key connects the SMTP service to the WordPress website.

Click the "set up" tab. Next, from the top of the page, switch to the "API key"Tab.

When you get there, click "Show API Key" link and copy the key to the clipboard.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

Step 4: Setup WP Mail SMTP Plugin on WordPress Website

After creating a SendLayer account and copying the API key, go to the dashboard of your WordPress website.

Installation and activationWP Mail SMTPPlug-ins.

Attention:coerceWP Mail SMTPThe paid version of the plugin is required to connect it to your SendLayer account.

Once activated, go from the WordPress admin sidebar to theWP Mail SMTP " Settings page.

When you get there, in the "license key" option next to add the license key for the plugin. This can be found on the account page of the WP Mail SMTP website.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

After that, scroll down to "From e-mail" section and add the e-mail you want to use to send the user theAdministrator EmailThe

If you want the same sender email for the entire site, then simply check the "Forced Sender Email"Box.

Afterwards, in "Sender's name" field next to the name you want to use to send the e-mail.

For example, if it is an e-commerce site, then you can use the name of the store in this field. This way, users will immediately know who sent them the message.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

After that, scroll down to "mail program" section and select the SMTP service you want to connect to your WordPress site.

For this tutorial, we choose "SendLayer"Options.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

Once this is done, a new "SendLayer" tab will open on the screen.

Here.Paste the API key previously copied from the SendLayer dashboard. If you were unable to copy the key before, then click "Get API key"link to return to your SendLayer account.

How to Properly Configure WordPress Email Settings

When you're done, simply click the Save Settings button to store your changes.

You have now successfully connected WP Mail SMTP to SendLayer.

Step 5: Send a test e-mail

To check if the SMTP service provider and plugin are working correctly, you can send a test e-mail.

From the top of the WP Mail SMTP settings page, switch to "Email Testing"Tab.

Once you get there, simply click on the "Send to" field to add the e-mail accounts that have access to it. Then, continue and click "mail"Button.

Send a test email

After the email is sent, you will see a success message on the screen.

Next, check the inbox of that email address and you will see the test email that was just sent.

Test Email Preview

WP Mail SMTP and SendLayer will now eliminate email problems by ensuring that emails are delivered to the user's inbox instead of going to the spam folder.

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