All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

All in One SEO works well with default settings after installation and activation. However, the free version is ultimately limited in functionality; the recommendation is to upgrade to thepaid versionBetter. We've organized the steps below to help you through some of the important configuration settings for each site.

1. Setting up the homepage SEO Meta

Check homepage display settings

Before we get started, we need to know if the homepage of the site is set to display the latest posts or a static page.

This can be done by going to the "Set "Read" and CheckYour homepage shows settings to check this.

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

Setting SEO when the home page displays the latest posts

To set the SEO of the home page when it displays the latest posts, click the"All in One SEO"menu"Search Appearance"The

will see"Home Page Settings"section, where you will see thepreviews,Home Page Titlecap (a poem)meta-descriptionThe

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

The preview is based on the setup of theHome Page Titlecap (a poem)Meta description shows homepage in search results(used form a nominal expression)Display.

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

You can also type the well number (#) in the field to display a list of available labels.

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

It can also be found in the Home Page Title fields to enter text or combine text with smart tags, and there is an emoji selector where you can add emojis.

You can now set an SEO description for the home page of your website.

Meta  Description The fields work in the same way as the Home Title The fields are identical. You can select one of the smart tags displayed at the top of the field, or type the well number ( # ) in the field to display a list of available tags from which to choose.

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

Setting SEO when the home page displays a static page

To set SEO when the homepage displays static pages, edit the homepage and scroll down to the AIOSEO Settings section.

You'll see it here.SERP Preview,page titlecap (a poem)meta-descriptionThe

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

SERPThe preview is based on the setup of thepage titlecap (a poem)meta-descriptionShows how the home page looks in search results. There are icons in the upper right corner to see how the search results look on your computer or mobile.

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

To set an SEO title for the home page, click thepage titleOne of the smart tags displayed above the field.

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

You can also type the well number (#) in the field to display a list of available labels.

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

That's it! The homepage is set up with SEO metadata.

2. Setting up personal or company details

Knowledge graph setup

click (using a mouse or other pointing device)"All in One SEO"menu"Search Appearance"The

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

exist"Global settings"tab, scroll down to the"Knowledge Mapping"Part.

will see"Site name"cap (a poem)"Alternate site name"Fields.

nodeThe Name field will default to the name of the field in the WordPress"Settings " General"lower"Site Title"The name entered in the field. This can be replaced with another name as needed.

Alternate Website Namefield can be used to enter any alternate name for the site.

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

Google may be using search results on mobileWebsite NamemaybeAlternate site name.

Individuals or organizations

Next, you will see theIndividuals or organizationsThe

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

Use this option to select whether the website or blog is for personal use or for organizational use. Depending on the selection made here, additional fields will be displayed as detailed below.

Organizational setup

If you choose toOrganization.The following fields will be seen:

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide
  • existorganization name (of a thing)In the field, enter the name of the organization or business. This can be entered manually or you can use smart tags to use this information on your website.
  • existorganization descriptiveIn the field, enter some information about your company. This can be entered manually or you can use smart tags to use this information on your website.
  • existe-mail addressIn the field, enter the contact email address of the business you want to be listed in the search engine.
  • existtelephone numberIn the field, enter the phone number of the business you want to be listed in the search engine.
  • existDate of EstablishmentIn the field, enter the date the business opened to the public.
  • existNumber of employeesIn the field, you can add a number, or you can select the toggle button to add a certain range of employees.
  • existlogoIn the field, upload the logo of the organization or business. image necessarily At least 112px x 112px and must be in JPEG, PNG, SVG, WEBP or GIF format. Image URL necessarily Crawlable and indexable. If not set here, All in One SEO will use the logo set in the theme (if any).


If you choose to"Personnel".The following fields will be seen:

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide
  • exist"Selection of personnel"field, select the primary owner of the site from the list of users. Only users with the Author, Editor, or Administrator roles will be listed here
  • You can also select from the drop-down menu"Manually enter the person" and then fill in the"Name"cap (a poem)"LOGO"field
  • existname (of a thing)In the field, enter the name of the primary owner of the site
  • existlogofield to upload an image of the main owner of the site. Minimum size of the imagenecessarily is 112px x 112px and must be in jpg, png or gif format. Image URL necessarily Crawlable and indexable.
All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

Now that we have configured the mainknowledge mapsettings, you can continue with the settings for each content type.

Content Specific Architecture Settings

existAll in One SEOmenu, click"Search Appearance"and then click"Content type"Tab.

This is where you will see sections for each content type on the site, such as posts, pages, etc.

Click theSchema Markuptab to configure the Schema for that type of content.

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

The first setting isSchema Type. Use this drop-down menu to select the type that best describes this content.

For example, for posts, the most matching types arewritings. For pages, the most matching type isweb pageThe

Depending on what is selected, additional settings may be visible. Use this option to select the type that best describes this content.

The "content type" can beRepeat these steps for each content type listed on the tab.

3. Show or hide content in search results

Display content in search results

To display the content in the search results, click the"All in One SEO"menu"Search Appearance"The

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

will see the content type,taxonomy,Image Search Engine Optimizationcap (a poem)archivalTags.

On each tab, a section for each content type on the site will be found.

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

The first setting in each section is "Show in search results for " . If you want this content to appear in the search results, you should set it to"Yes".

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

Show media attachments in search results

with regards toImage SEOYou will see that the first setting isRedirects the attachment URL, whichset toattachment (email)itself. If you want media attachments to appear in the search results, set it toDisable.

All in One SEO for Beginners : The Complete Guide

It's time to seeShow settings in search resultsand should be set tobeThe

Include specific content in search results

Show in search resultssetting will affect everything of that type.

For example, if thepost sectionFor "Show in search results" substituteset to"No.", then any posts on the site will not be included in the search results.

If you want to index a specific post and include it in the search results, the"Edit Post"screen cover"Show in search results"Setting.

Scroll down toAIOSEO Settingssection, and then clickhigh leveltab. You will see aRobot Settingssettings, one of which is set toUse default settingsThe switch.

Edit the "Advanced" tab in the "All in One SEO" section of the post screen

Turning the switch off willRobots MetaSee some checkboxes under the heading.

Edit the Robots settings in the "All in One SEO" section of the post screen

Uncheck"No index."box and click on the post's"Renewal"Button. This post can now be indexed by search engines and will appear in search results.

Edit the Robots Meta No Indexing setting in the All in One SEO section of the post screen.

The same instructions apply to any post type. For All in One SEO Pro users, the same instructions apply to any taxonomy.

Exclude content from search results

To exclude content from the search results, follow the same steps as above and set theShow settings in search resultsbecause ofcloggedThe

Show toggle in search results set to "None in search appearance"

replace"Show in search results"set to"No."When it does, All in One SEO performs three things:

  • The noindex meta tag is output in the source code of the content. Search engines that obey this noindex directive will not index the content, which means that it will not be displayed in the search results
  • This content will not be included in our sitemap and therefore will not be submitted to search engines
  • All SEO functionality will be disabled for this content.

Exclude media attachments from search results

with regards toImage SEOYou will see that the first setting isRedirect Attachment URLs . If you don't want media attachments to appear in search results, set it toAnnex.

Setting the redirection of attachment URLs to the attachment itself is disabled

Exclude specific content from search results

Show in search resultssetting will affect everything of that type.

For example, if theThe post will be partiallyShow settings in search resultsbecause ofbe, then all posts on the site will be included in the search results.

If you don't want to index a specific post and include it in the search results, then the"Edit Post"screen cover"Show in search results"Setting.

Scroll down toAIOSEO Settingssection and clickhigh levelTab.

You'll see "Robot Settings."which has a setting of"Use default settings"The switch.

Edit the "Advanced" tab in the "All in One SEO" section of the post screen

Turn the switch off at theRobots MetaSee some checkboxes under the heading.

Edit the Robots settings in the "All in One SEO" section of the post screen

Check "No Index"checkbox and click on the post's"Renewal"Button. This post will not be indexed by search engines and will not appear in search results.

Enable the "Robots meta No Index" setting in the "All in One SEO" section of the "Edit Post" screen

The same instructions apply to any post type. For All in One SEO Pro users, the same instructions apply to any taxonomy.

4. Setting SEO Meta for website content

To set SEO titles and meta descriptions for website posts and pages, follow our instructions forHow to Set SEO Titles and Descriptions for Website Content with All in One SEO Plugin (01)Just follow the steps in the

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