How to fix "This content area was not found on your page!" in Elementor error

How to fix "This content area was not found on your page!" in Elementor error

Elementor is a very popular WordPress page builder plugin, but sometimes when using it to edit a page, you may encounter the "This content area was not found on your page!" error. This usually prevents you from editing the page or archiving the page properly. In this article, we will explore the various causes of this problem and provide a detailed solution to ensure that you can successfullyEditing your WordPress websitePage.

I. Causes of errors

The "content area not found" error usually occurs in the following situations:

  1. Archive template not created when editing an archive page: This error is triggered when attempting to edit an archive page without creating or editing an archive template through the theme builder.
  2. Theme or plugin incompatibility: Sometimes using a theme or plugin that is not compatible with Elementor can trigger this issue.
  3. Site URL and homepage URL do not match: This error can also be caused if the URL of the website does not match the URL setting of the homepage.

II. Resolving errors on specific pages

If the error only appears on certain pages, try the following solution:

1. Errors on archived pages

When creating or editing a blog archive page or a homepage that displays the latest posts, you need to make sure that you first pass the Elementor theme builder through theCreating archive templates. The problem can be solved by following the steps below:

  • go into Templates > Theme BuilderThe
How to fix "This content area was not found on your page!" in Elementor error
  • Open the theme template you want to edit.
How to fix "This content area was not found on your page!" in Elementor error
  • Click the Edit icon, this will launch Elementor to edit the page.
How to fix "This content area was not found on your page!" in Elementor error

2. Errors on WooCommerce pages

If you try to edit a WooCommerce store page or product page, you may encounter a situation where you cannot edit it directly through Elementor. Currently, default WooCommerce pages cannot be edited directly through Elementor. The solution is to use the Elementor Pro Create a customized store archive page. Here are the exact steps:

  • Create new WooCommerce store archive pages with Elementor Pro, replacing the default store pages.
  • Edit product pages using Elementor Pro's WooCommerce Builder.

take note of::WooCommerce Product Pagemust pass Elementor Pro (used form a nominal expression) WooCommerce Builder Make an edit or it will result in an error.

III. Errors in Fixed Links and Slugs

If a similar error occurs on a new page, it may be related to a fixed link setting or a slug name conflict. The solution is as follows:

  1. Log in to the WordPress admin backend.
  2. leave for Settings > LinksThe
How to fix "This content area was not found on your page!" in Elementor error
  1. option Plain(simple) structure, and then save the changes.
How to fix "This content area was not found on your page!" in Elementor error

take note of: If the same slug name is used in a category (e.g. "Sports") and then assigned to a new page, this can also lead to permalink confusion. Therefore, make sure that the page slug is not duplicated in the category slug.

Customizing WordPress page template errors

Sometimes, advanced users may encounter issues caused by custom page templates. If your theme developer creates a custom page template that doesn't contain the the_content() custom WordPress page templates for functions, which prevents Elementor from loading the editing interface properly. The solution is to set the the_content() function is added to the page template code or switched to a compatible theme, such as the Hello theme.

phpCopy code
<?php the_content(); ?>

If you are unsure how to add this function to your code, we recommend contacting your developer to handle this.

Fifth, plug-in conflict caused by the error

Plugin conflicts are one of the common causes of this error. Plugin conflicts can be troubleshooted by following the steps below:

  1. Disable all plug-ins except Elementor and Elementor ProThe
How to fix "This content area was not found on your page!" in Elementor error
  1. Check to see if the problem is solved: If effective.Reactivate plug-ins one by oneto find faulty plugins.

Sixth, all the pages have errors in the solution

If the error occurs on all pages, try the following steps:

1. Clearing cache issues

Sometimes browser cache issues can lead to a "Content Area Not Found" error, which can be resolved by clearing your browser cache. Regularly clearing your browser cache will help to solve the occasional problem.

2. Checking theme compatibility

Make sure you are using a theme that is compatible with Elementor. If you're not sure if the theme is compatible, try switching to an officially recommended theme like Hello,Astro Themes are tested.

3. Switching browsers

Sometimes browser plug-ins or extensions conflict with Elementor. Try using another browser such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Opera to see if the problem persists.

4. Disabling other plug-ins

Deactivate all plugins except Elementor and Elementor Pro and check if the problem is solved. If the problem is solved, reactivate the plugins one by one to find out which plugin is causing the problem.

5. Troubleshooting conflicts of authority

How to fix "This content area was not found on your page!" in Elementor error

In some cases, there may be a permission conflict between Elementor and the Membership plugin. Try temporarily disabling the Membership plugin to see if this solves the problem.

6. Contacting hosting providers

Sometimes, server configuration issues can also trigger such errors. Contact the hosting provider and check .htaccess Documentation, PHP $_GET variable or zlib.output_compression Is there a problem with the module.


When you meet "This content area was not found on your page!" error can be solved by some simple troubleshooting steps. Whether it's a plugin conflict, theme incompatibility, permalink setting error, or caching problem, this article provides detailed solutions for your reference to troubleshoot the problem step by step.

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