How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO

What is additional information about WooCommerce?

WooCommerce additional information is usually a section on the product page, which is used to display product attributes and other customized information. This information is critical to the customer, especially when it comes to multiple product choices such asSize, color or material) When. Additional information not only helps buyers make informed purchasing decisions, but also enhances the content with richSearch Engine Optimization(SEO).

How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO

The role of attributes

WooCommerce's attributes feature is very flexible and can help define various characteristics of a product. For example, an apparel product may have attributes such as color and size, while a household product may need to include details such as material, weight, and size. Once these attributes are set, they are automatically displayed on the product page in the "Additional Information" tab.

How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Products

Method 1: Using WooCommerce Built-in Functions

WooCommerce provides a simple and straightforward way to add additional information to product pages. Below are the steps to add product attributes using WooCommerce built-in features:

  1. Log in to the WooCommerce backend: Navigate to the WordPress dashboard and click "offerings".
How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO
  1. Select Product: Find the product you want to edit and click Edit to enter the product editing page.
  2. Find the "Product Data" section.: Below the main description, find the product data form, in which you select "causality"Options.
How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO
  1. Adding Properties: click "increase" button, you can define new attributes for the product, such as "color","sizes"etc.
    • Enter a name for the attribute in the Attribute Name field.
    • Use vertical lines to separate different attribute values, such as "Pink | Blue | Green".
How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO
  1. Saving Properties: Check the box "Visible on product page".options (as in computer software settings)to ensure that these attributes are displayed on the front-end product page in the "Additional Information" tab.
How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO
  1. Updated products: click "update" button to save changes to the product.

By following these steps, it is easy to add the necessary additional information to your WooCommerce product, and this information is automatically displayed on the product page in the "Additional Information" tab.

Method 2: Use of plug-ins (Advanced Custom Fields - ACF)

If the WooCommerce built-in properties don't meet your needs, you can use theplug-in (software component)to extend the functionality of the product page. For example, "Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)"The plugin allows you to easily add and display more custom fields to help you display more detailed product information. Here are the exact steps:

  1. Installing the ACF Plug-in: Search the WordPress plugin repository for "Advanced Custom Fields", then click Install and activate the plugin.
How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO
  1. Creating Field Groups: Navigate in the WordPress dashboard to "ACF"menu, click "Add new field group".
How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO
  1. Defining Fields: Create new custom fields, such as text, images, text areas, etc., and for each fieldchristen. For example, you can add "makings","Maintenance instructions"etc. fields.
How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO
  1. Setting up display rules: scroll down to "set up", select which product pages to display these custom fields on, either for all products or conditionally based on categories, tags, etc.
How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO
  1. Show on product page: On the product edit page, you will see the custom fields and can fill in the information.
How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO
  1. Modify Product Templates: In order for these custom fields to be displayed on the front end of the product page, they need to be edited Template files for WooCommerceFor examplesingle-product.phpand use ACF'sthe_field()function to display custom fields.

Method 3: Use customized code

If you prefer to customize your WooCommerce product pages manually, you can also do so by adding the following to the theme'sfunctions.phpfile to add custom code to achieve this. Below are the basic steps to add custom fields to your WooCommerce product:

  1. Adding Custom Fields to WooCommerce Products utilizationadd_action()function adds a new custom field to the WooCommerce product edit page.
add_action( 'woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data', 'add_custom_general_fields' ); function add_custom_general_fields () { woocommerce_wp_text_input( array( 'id' => '_custom_product_text_field', 'label' => __( 'Custom Product Fields', 'woocommerce' ), 'desc_tip' => 'true', ' description' => __( 'Enter custom field content', 'woocommerce' ) )); }
  1. Saving the value of a custom field pass (a bill or inspection etc)woocommerce_process_product_metaHooks save the values of custom fields.
add_action( 'woocommerce_process_product_meta', 'save_custom_general_fields' ); function save_custom_general_fields( $post_id ) { $custom_field_value = isset( $_POST['_custom_product_text_field'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['_custom_product_text_field'] ) : ''; update_post_meta( $post_id, '_custom_product_text_field', $custom_field_value ); }
  1. Show custom fields Edit the product page template for WooCommerce using theget_post_meta()function to display the value of a custom field.
<code>echo '<div class="custom-field">'; echo '<label>Custom Fields:</label> '; echo get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_custom_product_text_field', true ); echo '</div>';

How to manage WooCommerce "Additional Information"tab

How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO

WooCommerce's "Additional Information" tab is very useful for displaying product details. However, there are times when you may need to adjust how this tab is displayed, what it says, or even remove it. Here are a few common actions:

Adding customized text to the Additional Information tab

If you want to add some customized links or text in the Additional Information tab, you can add them in thefunctions.phpThe following code is inserted in the file:

<code>add_action( 'woocommerce_product_additional_information', 'print_custom_html' );
function print_custom_html() {
    echo '<a href="#">Click here for more product information</a>';

The code will be in the "Additional Information" tab to add a clickable link, with the ability to customize the text of the link and the destination URL as desired.

Hide or delete"Additional Information"tab

If additional information does not need to be displayed for certain products (e.g. digital products), you can choose to hide or remove the tab altogether:

  • Remove the Additional Information tab using PHP:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'remove_product_tabs', 98 );
function remove_product_tabs( $tabs ) {
    unset( $tabs['additional_information'] );
    return $tabs.
  • Use CSS to hide the Additional Information tab:
li.additional_information_tab {
    display: none !important;
How to Add Additional Information to WooCommerce Product Pages to Improve User Experience and SEO

reach a verdict

By effectively adding additional information to WooCommerce product pages, you can provide your customers with more detailed product information, improve the user experience, and boost the SEO performance of your product pages. Whether you use WooCommerce's built-in features or advanced settings through plugins and custom code, you can help optimize your product displays according to your store's needs.

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