How to Fix Elementor Contact Form Not Sending Emails

When editing a website with Elementor, you may encounter theContact form cannot be emailedof the problem. In this article, we will detail how to solve this problem by using the FluentSMTP cap (a poem) Zoho ZeptoMail Troubleshoot this issue to ensure that the email is sent successfully.

How to Fix Elementor Contact Form Not Sending Emails

Why might Elementor forms not be able to send emails?

The problem with Elementor's contact form not sending emails can be caused by a number of things, includingServer configuration problems, SMTP setting errors or plugin conflicts. Typically.Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)plays a very important role in ensuring the successful delivery of emails. Therefore.Configure SMTP correctly is the key to solving this problem.

What is SMTP and why is it important?

SMTP is the standard protocol for sending e-mail over the Internet. It ensures that e-mail reaches the recipient in a timely and secure manner and is not lost or corrupted in transit.SMTP is a core component of the e-mail infrastructure, without which e-mail cannot be sent or received over the Internet.

In most cases, WordPress defaults to using the PHP mail() functionto send emails. However.PHP mail() functionThere are often reliability issues, especially in a shared hosting environment. Therefore, it is more reliable to use SMTP because it can send email directly through the mail server, thus improving the delivery rate and security of emails.

Elementor Contact Form Common Email Delivery Issues

When building a contact form with Elementor, you may encounter the following common email delivery issues:

  1. server error: Due to server misconfiguration, the PHP mail() function may not work properly, resulting in emails not being sent.
  2. E-mail notification issues: Even if the form is submitted successfully, the email notification may not be sent to the administrator or user.
  3. Spam problem: Even if the email is successfully sent, it may be marked as spam by the recipient's email service and go to the spam folder.

These problems can usually be solved by properly configuring the SMTP server.

How to Fix Elementor Contact Form Not Sending Emails

Resolve email delivery issues with Elementor contact form

To ensure that your Elementor contact form is able to successfully send emails, it is recommended to use the FluentSMTP Plug-ins with Zoho ZeptoMail SMTP A combination of services. This combination is not only affordable, but also easy to configure for sites of all sizes.

What is the FluentSMTP plugin?

FluentSMTP is a powerful WordPress plugin that can be accessed via theparticular purpose SMTP providers to send emails. It is compatible with a variety of SMTP services, including Zoho ZeptoMail, SendGrid, Amazon SES, and more.

What is Zoho ZeptoMail?

Zoho ZeptoMail is an SMTP service provided by Zoho that specializes in sending transactional emails from your WordPress website. It's affordable, reliable, and has a high delivery rate, which means your emails are less likely to be marked as spam.

How to Configure FluentSMTP and Zoho ZeptoMail: A Step-by-Step Guide

Below is a detailed step-by-step guide to help you resolve the Elementor contact form not sending email issue using FluentSMTP and Zoho ZeptoMail.

Step 1: Install the FluentSMTP Plugin

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to "plug-in (software component)" > "Add New Plugin".
  3. In the search bar type "FluentSMTP".
  4. Once you have found the plugin, click "Installation", then click on "activate".
How to Fix Elementor Contact Form Not Sending Emails
  1. After activating the plugin, see the FluentSMTP settings option in the sidebar of your WordPress dashboard.

Step 2: Sign up for Zoho ZeptoMail

  1. interviews Zoho ZeptoMail Official WebsiteThe
How to Fix Elementor Contact Form Not Sending Emails
  1. Click on the "Register" button and fill in your e-mail address and password.
  2. After completing your registration, you will need to verify your email address and phone number.
  3. Add your domain name and create a Bounce Address.
  4. Verifying your domain name requires you to add some DNS records with your domain hosting provider.
  5. Configure your Mail Agent and send a test email to make sure the settings are correct.
How to Fix Elementor Contact Form Not Sending Emails

Step 3: Configure FluentSMTP plugin with Zoho ZeptoMail

  1. In the WordPress dashboard, navigate to the FluentSMTP settings page.
  2. Select the Add Connection button and then select Other SMTP from the list.
  3. On the SMTP Configuration page, enter the following information:
    • Outgoing server name:
    • ports: 465 (using SSL) or 587 (using TLS)
    • Authentication required: Yes
    • user ID: the e-mail address you registered with ZeptoMail
    • cryptographic: SMTP key you generated in ZeptoMail
  4. Click "Save changes" to apply the settings.
How to Fix Elementor Contact Form Not Sending Emails

Step 4: Test SMTP Settings

  1. On the FluentSMTP Settings page, switch to the Email Testing tab.
  2. Enter your email address and click the "Send Test Email" button.
How to Fix Elementor Contact Form Not Sending Emails
  1. Check your inbox to see if you received the test email. If the email was delivered successfully, your SMTP configuration is correct.

Other Hints and Tips

If you still can't send email properly after following the steps above, here are some additional tips and tricks:

  1. Avoiding Spam Problems: Ensure that the content of your email is not spam and avoid using too many images or overly aggressive marketing phrases. Suggest that recipients add your sender address to their contact list.
  2. Using other SMTP providers: If Zoho ZeptoMail is not your first choice, try using another SMTP service such as Gmail, Sendinblue, or Amazon SES. Different SMTP providers have different configuration requirements, so adjust as needed.
  3. plug-in conflict: Some plugins may conflict with Elementor or SMTP configurations. If you encounter problems, try deactivating the other plugins one by one to see if that solves the problem.
  4. Ensure SPF, DKIM and DMARC records are properly configured: These email authentication methods help prevent messages from being marked as spam. Use tools such as MX Toolbox to check and configure your SPF, DKIM and DMARC records.
How to Fix Elementor Contact Form Not Sending Emails


The issue of Elementor contact forms not sending emails, while common, can be easily resolved by properly configuring your SMTP settings. By using the FluentSMTP plugin with the Zoho ZeptoMail SMTP service, you can ensure that emails are sent successfully and improve delivery rates and security.

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