How to fix "Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads.Is its parent directory writable by the server."

When using WordPress, many users may encounter "Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads.Is its parent directory writable by the server."This common mistake.

How to fix "Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads.Is its parent directory writable by the server."

This question willPrevents you from adding images and other media files to your blog posts, and may affect the performance and security of the website. This article will analyze in detail the causes of this error and provide simple and effective solutions to help you restore the normal functionality of your website smoothly.

1. Analysis of the cause of the error

This error is common when moving WordPress from one hosting provider to another.migrationAfter going to another hosting provider. When trying to add an image or other media to a new post, the upload process fails and displays "Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads. is its parent directory writable by the server?" error message.

preliminary screening

When first encountering this problem, many users may suspect that it is because theLack of permissions on new serversResult. This is a reasonable guess, as the file permission settings may be different in the new hosting environment than on the old server.

When initially troubleshooting, you can use an FTP client (such as FileZilla) to connect to your serverIf you want to check whether the wp-content/uploads subfolder exists, you can do so., and see if the current month's folder has been created. If the folder exists, then the problem may not be that the folder is missing, but due to incorrectly set file permissions.

Checking of file permissions

WordPress requires proper file permissions to write files to specific directories on the server. If the permissions are not set properly, WordPress will not be able to upload files even if the folder exists. Therefore, changing the permissions of a folder via FTP can usually solve this problem. In general, the permissions of a directory should be set to755The file permissions should be set to644The

How to fix "Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads.Is its parent directory writable by the server."

However, after changing the permissions, the problem may still exist. If you still can't upload files and the error message still says "Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads. Its parent directory is not writable by the server", this means that the problem may be more than just a permissions issue.

Root cause of the error: path problems

On further troubleshooting, the real problem is usually due to the fact that WordPress is in theUpload paths on the old server were preserved during the migration process. In this case, WordPress tries to find the same directory as the old path in the new server environment, but since theDifferent server environments, causing the user information contained in the path to have changed, and WordPress was unable to find the correct directory as a result.

2、How to fix the error

To fix this issue, you need to make sure that WordPress is pointing to the correct upload directory path. Here are the detailed steps to fix it:

Fixed via WordPress admin backend (old version of wordpress)

  1. Log in to the WordPress backend (wp-admin): First, go to the WordPress admin console.
  2. Navigate to the Settings page: In the left menu, find Settings->Media.
How to fix "Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads.Is its parent directory writable by the server."
  1. Modify the upload path: On the Media Settings page, you should see a field labeled Store uploads in this folder. If you see this option, set the path to wp-content/uploadsThen click Save Changes.
How to fix "Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads.Is its parent directory writable by the server."
  1. Testing the upload function: Now, try uploading the file to the media library again to see if the problem is solved.

Fix when there is no "Upload folder" option on the media settings page.

If yourNewer versions of WordPress, you will notice that the media settings page does not have the "Store uploads in this folder" field. This is because the option was removed in newer WordPress versions.

In this case, it is possible to edit the WordPress configuration file (wp-config.php) to set the upload path manually:

  1. Connecting to the server using an FTP client: Connect to your WordPress server via an FTP client like FileZilla and navigate to the WordPress installation directory.
  2. Edit the wp-config.php file: Find the wp-config.php file in the root directory of your WordPress installation and open it with a text editor.
How to fix "Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads.Is its parent directory writable by the server."
  1. Add upload path code: at the end of the document.require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php';Above this line of code, add the following code:
define('UPLOADS', 'wp-content/uploads');
  1. Save and upload the modified file: Save the edited file and upload it back to the server, overwriting the existing wp-config.php file.
  2. Testing the upload function again: Log back into the WordPress backend and try to upload a file to see if the error is fixed.


Repair."Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads.Is its parent directory writable by the server."The key to this error is to make sure that WordPress is pointing to the correct upload path and that the path has the proper write permissions.

In order to prevent the recurrence of similar problems, it is recommended that theMigrating a WordPress websiteWhen doing so, note the following:

  1. Backup and check file paths: Before migrating, back up your website files and databases and double-check file path settings in the new environment.
  2. Setting file permissions correctly: Ensure that directory permissions are set correctly on the new server. In general.Directory permissions should be 755 and file permissions should be 644.The
  3. Regularly check and update WordPress configuration: Keep WordPress and related plugins and themes up-to-date, and check configuration files regularly to prevent path or permission issues caused by updates.
How to fix "Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads.Is its parent directory writable by the server."

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