How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget

How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget

Call to Action (CTA) is an integral part of website design. It is effective in directing visitors to take a specific action, such as registering, purchasing, or contacting, and Elementor provides powerful CTA widgets that help web designers and developers easily create visually appealing and interactive conversion boxes. This post will detail how to use Elementor's CTA widgets, from basic settings to advanced customization, to help you build a CTA area that is effective in increasing conversions.

I. What is the "call-to-action" widget?

Elementor's "call-to-action" widgets are tools designed to direct users to specific actions. By combining text, buttons, and images, the CTA widget creates compelling transition boxes on web pages that grab users' attention and prompt them to click or interact. The widget not only supports basic text and image settings, but also allows you to add to the user interaction experience with animations and CSS effects to improve overall engagement.

Key Features:

  • Combination of text, buttons and images
  • Rich styling options, including colors, fonts, spacing, etc.
  • Animations and CSS effects to enhance the interactive experience
  • Flexible layout options for multiple usage scenarios

II. Common use cases for call-to-action widgets

How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget

The application scenarios for using CTA widgets are very broad and apply to almost all types of websites and business models. Here are some common use cases:

  1. Online Education Platform
    John is developing an online coding tutorial and course platform. He used the CTA widget to design a strategy section on the homepage. With a compelling headline, descriptive text, and a "Start Coding Now" button, John managed to grab visitors' attention and direct them to the registration page.
  2. non-profit organization
    A nonprofit organization uses a strong CTA to encourage people to donate to humanitarian causes. Through well-designed conversion boxes, the organization was able to effectively deliver its message and motivate more people to donate.
  3. E-commerce store
    An e-commerce store promoted a limited-time offer through a compelling CTA section, which attracted a large number of shoppers to click through and participate in the promotion.
  4. personal blog
    The blogger utilized the CTA widget to invite readers to subscribe to the weekly newsletter, which significantly increased subscription rates through a simple and attractive design.
  5. Local Restaurants
    Local restaurants are using interactive CTA sections on their websites to engage customers to place online orders and reservations through their websites, improving the efficiency of their online business and customer satisfaction.

III. How to add and set up call-to-action widgets: a step-by-step guide

Below are detailed steps for adding and setting up CTA widgets using Elementor:

1. Adding widgets to the canvas

First, drag and drop the Call to Action widget from Elementor's Widgets panel onto the canvas. This creates a basic CTA box with a default title, description, and buttons.

How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget

2. Setting up images and layouts

In the Content tab, you can choose the skin type of the CTA widget: Classic or Cover.

How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget
  • Classic Skin:
    Classic Skin allows you to display images side-by-side with text and buttons. You can see the images and buttons in the "placementSet the positioning of the image in the "Image Position" field and select "Left", "Above" or "Right" to adjust the position of the image in relation to the content. Next, you can select or upload an image from the Media Library and choose the size of the image (from thumbnail to full size or custom size) in the Image Resolution field.
  • Cover Skin:
    The cover skin then uses the image as a background over the entire back of the CTA box. You can likewise select or upload an image in the Select Image box and set the resolution of the image.

3. Adding graphic elements

In the Graphic Elements field in the Content section, you can choose to display a graphic element (such as an image or icon) above the CTA title.

How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget
  • Images as graphic elements:
    After selecting an image as a graphic element, you can select or upload an image from the media library and set the resolution of the image.
How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget
  • Icons as graphic elements:
    If you choose an icon as a graphic element, you can select an icon from the Icon Library or upload an SVG image. Next, set the view of the icon in the View field to Default, Stacked or Frame. The "Stacked" view fills the icon background, while the "Frame" view displays a border around the icon.
How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget

4. Customizing text content

In the Content tab, you can customize the text content of the CTA box:

  • Title:
    Add header text and select HTML tags (such as H1-H6, Div, or Span) in the Header HTML Tags field.
How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget
  • Description:
    Add a short description text in the Description field and select HTML tags in the Description HTML Tags field.
How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget
  • Button text and links:
    Specify the text to be displayed on the button and enter the URL of the button link in the Link field You can choose to apply the link to the entire CTA box or just the button.
How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget

5. Adding functional areas

In the Ribbon section, you have the option to add a ribbon (e.g. limited time offer, hot sale, etc.) to the CTA box.

  • Set the ribbon text and position:
    Add the ribbon text in the Title field and select the location of the ribbon (left or right) in the Position field.
How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget

IV. Styles and advanced customization

Elementor's CTA widgets offer a rich set of styles and advanced customization options that allow you to fine-tune the CTA box to your specific needs.

1. Styling options

In the Style tab, you can adjust the appearance of the CTA box, here are some common settings:

  • Height and alignment:
    Set the height of the CTA box and the alignment of the text and buttons. You can center or align the content to the left or right.
How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget
  • Colors and fonts:
    Customize the colors of the text, buttons, and background, and choose the appropriate font and size to ensure that the CTA box is consistent with the overall page style.
  • Hover effect:
    Add hover animation effects to buttons and images to enhance the user interaction experience. For example, when the user hovers the mouse over a button, a color change or micro-animation effect can be set to entice the user to click.
How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget

2. Advanced options

In the Advanced tab, Elementor offers more advanced setting options:

  • Position and spacing:
    Adjust the position and spacing of the CTA box on the page to ensure that it harmonizes with other elements on the page.
How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget
  • Custom Code:
    If you have specific needs, you can add custom CSS or JavaScript code to further enhance the functionality or design of the CTA box.

V. Frequently asked questions

How to use Elementor's Calling Terms (CTA) widget

How to choose the best image for the CTA widget? When choosing images, make sure they are relevant to the CTA content and attractive enough. High-quality images that load quickly can significantly increase user engagement. In addition, consider the resolution and size of the image to ensure it displays well on different devices.

How do you create a multi-step call-to-action phrase? If you want to create multiple CTA steps on a page, you can use Elementor's "interactive" feature. For example, you can guide the user through the process by directing them to click a button in the first CTA box, and then loading the second CTA box with dynamic content.

What are the best practices for using CTA widgets?

  • Keep the content simple:
    Copy should be short, punchy and direct in its message.
  • Emphasize user value:
    Emphasize the benefits available to the user rather than simply presenting product features.
  • Create a sense of urgency:
    Create a sense of urgency with a limited-time offer or feature area that encourages users to take action as soon as possible.

VI. Summary

Elementor's "call-to-action" widget is a powerful tool that helps you create highly interactive and visually appealing CTA boxes on your website. With the detailed guide in this article, you should now be well versed in how to add and customize CTA widgets to boost your website's user engagement and conversion rates. Whether it's an online education platform, an e-commerce store, a personal blog or a local restaurant, a properly used CTA box can bring significant growth to your business.

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