How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide

This guide will detail how to configure and test the WooCommerce Stripe ExtensionThe program is designed to execute simulated trades using its built-in Test Mode feature.

1. Why test the Stripe extension

There are several key reasons to test a payment system before bringing it online:

  • Simulated Customer Experience: With testing, you can experience the entire process of a customer buying in your store, ensuring that every step is working as expected.
  • Identifying and solving problems: Testing allows you to identify and resolve any potential technical or configuration issues before actual customers experience problems.
  • Validate multiple payment scenarios: Using test mode, you can simulate a variety of scenarios such as successful payments, failed transactions, refunds, etc. to make sure your system is processing correctly.

2. Configure the Stripe extension for testing

Before you start testing, you need to make sure that the Stripe extension is properly configured to use test mode. This involves connecting the extension to your Stripe account in test mode.

How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide

Connecting to Test Mode

The first time you connect the Stripe extension to your Stripe account, it connects to live mode by default. To connect to test mode, follow these steps:

  1. Access to payment settings::
    • Log in to the WordPress admin dashboard.
    • Navigate to WooCommerce > SettingsThe
  2. Manage Stripe Payment Methods::
    • strike (on the keyboard) disbursements Tab.
    • In the list of payment methods, find Stripeand then click managerialThe
How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide
  1. Go to Stripe Settings::
    • On the Stripe settings page, click set up Tab.
How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide
  1. Configuring Connections::
    • exist Account Details section, click on the Configuring Connections Button.
  2. Switch to test mode::
    • In the pop-up window, click beta (software) Tab.
    • If you have not yet configured test mode, the account status will be displayed as DisconnectedThe
    • strike (on the keyboard) Create or connect a test account Button.
How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide
  1. Connecting to a test account::
    • Redirect to the Stripe website, where you can choose an existing Stripe account or create a new one for testing.
    • After completing the connection process, you will be redirected back to the Stripe settings page in your WordPress dashboard.
How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide
  1. Verify connection status::
    • Click again. Configuring Connections button, select beta (software) tab, confirm that your account has successfully connected to Test Mode.
How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide

take note of: Ensure that the correct Stripe account is used during the connection process to avoid unexpected issues in a production environment.

3. Enabling test mode

After successfully connecting to Test Mode, you need to enable Test Mode in WooCommerce in order to start using the test card for transactions. Below are the steps to enable test mode:

  1. Accessing Stripe Settings::
    • In the WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to the WooCommerce > Settings > PaymentThe
    • locate Stripeand then click managerialThe
  2. Enable Test Mode::
    • On the Stripe settings page, click set up Tab.
    • exist conventional (weapons) section, find the Enable Test Mode option and check it.
How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide
  1. Save Changes::
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes Button.

With Test Mode enabled, your WooCommerce store will accept test transactions, allowing simulated payments using a test card provided by Stripe.

4. Use of test patterns for transactions

How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide

Once Test Mode is enabled, you can start executing test transactions in your store. This includes using test cards provided by Stripe, as well as testing quick checkout methods such as Google Pay and Apple Pay.

4.1 Using the Stripe Test Card

Stripe offers a series of test cards that allow you to simulate different payment scenarios. Here's how to transact using these test cards:

  1. Visit Store Front::
    • Open your WooCommerce store in your browser.
  2. Add products to cart::
    • Browse products, select any item and click Add to cartThe
  3. Carrying out the closing of accounts::
    • strike (on the keyboard) View Cartand then click pay the billThe
  4. Fill out the checkout information::
    • Enter the necessary checkout information such as name, address, email, etc.
How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide
  1. Choose Stripe as a payment method::
    • In the Payment Methods section, select StripeThe
  2. Entering Test Card Information::
    • Use one of the following test card numbers:
      • Successful payment: 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242
      • Card rejected: 4000 0000 0000 0002
      • Authentication required (3D Secure): 4000 0025 0000 3155
    • Expiry date: enter any future date, e.g. 12/34The
    • CVC: Enter any three-digit number, e.g. 123The
    • Cardholder Name: Any name can be entered.
  3. Submit Order::
    • strike (on the keyboard) place an order Button.
  4. Verification results::
    • Depending on the test card you use, you will see different results:
      • Successful payment: You will be redirected to the order confirmation page.
      • Card rejected: You will see an error message indicating that the payment was rejected.
      • Authentication required: You will be directed to the simulated 3D Secure authentication page.

draw attention to sth.: can be found in the Stripe Official Documentation Find more test card information in to simulate a variety of payment scenarios, including refunds, disputes, and more.

4.2 Testing of expedited checkout methods

How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide

In addition to standard card payments, the Stripe extension also supports quick checkout methods such as Google Pay and Apple Pay. in test mode, you can verify these features as well.

Google Pay Test

  1. Add Test Cards to Google Account::
    • Sign in to your Google account.
    • Navigate to the payment method settings page.
    • Add a Stripe test card, e.g. 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242.
  2. Test in store::
    • Open your WooCommerce store in a Google Pay-enabled browser like Chrome.
    • Add products to the cart for checkout.
    • In the payment method, you will see Google Pay Button.
    • strike (on the keyboard) Google Pay button to complete the payment process.

Apple Pay Test

  1. Set up Apple Pay on your device::
    • On your iOS device or Mac, make sure Apple Pay is set up and associated with real card information.
    • take note of: It is safe to test in test mode with real card information as no actual chargebacks will be made.
  2. Test in store::
    • In Safari, open your WooCommerce store.
    • Add products to the cart for checkout.
    • In the payment method, you will see Apple Pay Button.
    • strike (on the keyboard) Apple Pay button to complete the payment process.

By following the steps above, you can verify that the Quick Checkout method is working properly in your store.

How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide


By enabling and using Stripe's Test Mode in WooCommerce, you can thoroughly validate your payment system before going live, ensuring a seamless and secure shopping experience for your customers. Testing allows you to simulate a variety of payment scenarios, identify and resolve potential issues, and thus enhance the reliability of your store.

After completing all tests and confirming that everything is in order, turn off the test mode and switch to live mode to provide customers with a true shopping experience.

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