How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

WordPress itself comes with some very clean tools for managing and editing images. It's easy to upload images, align images, and even edit images from within WordPress. We're going to focus today on looking at the most common image issues in WordPress and how to fix them.

How to Upload Images in WordPress

WordPress makes it very easy to upload images to posts, pages, and non-content areas like sidebars.

To upload images in WordPress posts and pages, simply add the image block to theContent EditorThe

How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

You can also add an image block by typing /image in the paragraph block.

When you start typing, the editor will start displaying the blocks you can insert.

How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

WordPress now adds image blocks to the editor.

Click "upload" button to select and upload images from your computer.

How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

It is also possible to select previously uploaded images from the media library.

After uploading an image, you will see a live preview of the image in the content editor.

How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

You will also see the image settings in the right panel. From there, it is possible to provideImage instead of textYou can select the image size and customize the image style.

Pro Tip:Having trouble uploading images to WordPress? Check out our guide toHow to Fix Image Upload Issues in WordPressThe

How to Left or Right Align Images in WordPress

With WordPress, aligning images left, right or center is easy. Simply click to select the image and then click the Align button in the block toolbar.

How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

How some popular WordPress blogs use images with wraparound text.

This is done by using the alignment function.

How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

Alternatively, media and text blocks can be used instead of image blocks.

This block is dedicated to adding images next to text.

How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

Images and text can then be uploaded side by side.

You can also use the block toolbar to change the image or text face.

How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

How to add a caption below an image

WordPress makes it easy to add captions to images. After uploading an image, you will see the option to add a caption below the image preview.

How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

How to display photos in columns and rows

Users often ask us how to display photos neatly in rows and columns.

Let's say you want to share photos from a birthday party or vacation. You could add them to the post one by one, but it would look like a long list of pictures.

A better way to group photos is to create image libraries.

WordPress comes with a built-in gallery block that makes it easy to add images with thumbnail previews in rows and columns.

Simply add the Gallery block to the post editor and select the image you want to upload.

How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

How to Create a Responsive Gallery in WordPress

The default WordPress image galleries are missing several features. For example, they are not very easy to navigate.

A WordPress photo gallery plugin is needed if images and photos are frequently uploaded to a WordPress website.

We recommend the use ofEnvira Gallery. It's easy to create beautiful and fully mobile-friendly image galleries on WordPress sites.

How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress (The Ultimate Guide)

The best part is that it adds extra features like photo albums, gallery templates, social sharing, slideshows, watermarks, paging, password protection, markers, full-screen view, and more.

Another popular WordPress photo gallery plugin is theNextGEN Gallery. It offers many gallery layouts and a nice lightbox gallery for displaying images in WordPress.

NextGen Gallery

NextGEN Gallery also offers powerful features for professional photographers such as photo proofreading, print completion, image protection, Adobe Lightroom plug-ins, PayPal and Stripe payment gateways, and more.

How to Fix Missing Post Thumbnails/Featured Images

Most WordPress themes have the ability to highlight featured images in posts. Let's see how to set featured images in WordPress to avoid losing thumbnails.

Setting Featured Images for WordPress Posts

First, you need to click on "Setting up featured images" to upload a thumbnail of your post.

After uploading an image, you will be able to see a thumbnail of your post in the featured image meta box as shown below.

Featured Image Preview in Post Editor

How to Add Cover Images to WordPress Posts and Pages

Cover images are wide or full-width images that can be used as separators between different parts of an article or longer sales pages.

They are very attractive and help users navigate the page easily without feeling overwhelmed by too much text.

To add a cover image, simply add the cover block to the content editor.

Adding a cover block

Next, you need to upload the image to be used from your computer or choose one from the media library. If you don't want to use an image, then you can also choose a colored background for the cover.

Tip:It is better to use large images for better results.

Now see a live preview of the cover image in the editor. Cover image display options can be changed from the block toolbar, or you can use the settings on the right.

Cover Image Preview

How to fix featured image appearing twice

Inserting featured images into content is a common mistake made by newbies.

After setting up a featured image, it is not necessary to insert it into the post along with the content.

This will make the featured image appear twice. Once as the featured image and once as the image within the post.

Featured image appears twice

Additional images can be added to the post, but the featured image will appear in the Featured Image box.

How to Crop Images in WordPress

When uploading images from your phone or camera, they are usually too large.

WordPress automatically creates small, medium, and large sizes for the images you initially upload. However, sometimes it may be necessary to crop the image to a different size.

WordPress is not Photoshop, but it has some basic image editing features such as zooming, cropping, flipping and rotating images.

Simply go toMedia" add new contentand just upload the image. After uploading the image, you will see next to the uploaded image "Edit"Link.

Clicking on it will open the "Editorial media"screen, will be seen below the image."Edit Image" button. This will open the WordPress image editor.

Editing Images in WordPress

From here, you can click on the image preview below the "Edit Photo" button. This will open the image editing screen.

On the Image Editor screen, you will see buttons to perform some basic image editing tasks, such as cropping, rotating, resizing, etc.

WordPress Image Editing Features

If you are using the block editor, you can crop the image using the built-in crop function in the image toolbar.

Simply click on the image block and select the toolbar "crop"Icons.

Click the "Crop" button in the Image Block toolbar.

After that, you can adjust the aspect ratio and crop area of the image to your liking.

You can use the original aspect ratio or WordPress predefined aspect ratio.

Select Aspect Ratio in the Image Block toolbar

How to Add Header Images in WordPress

Header images in WordPress are theme features. Many WordPressFree and Premium ThemesBoth support caption images.

Some WordPress themes can set site-wide header images, while others can set header images for the home page only.

Can be customized from Appearancepage to upload your own custom header image.

Header Options

If you are using a block theme, the location of the edit theme title will be different.

First, it is necessary to switch toAppearance" editorThe

Select Site-Wide Editor from the WordPress Admin Panel

Then, select"Patterns".

This will take you to a page where you can access the theme's title mode.

Patterns in the Site Editor

After that, scroll down to the template section.

When you're done, simply select "caption" and click on the title template to edit it.

Selecting Header Mode on the WordPress Block Editor

From there, image blocks can be added to the title mode as they were in the first part of this article.

How to Add a Background Image in WordPress

Just like custom header images, custom background images are also a feature of WordPress themes. Many WordPress themes support custom background images.

interviewsAppearance" customizationto launch the theme customizer. If you can see the background image option, your theme supports custom backgrounds.

Customized backgrounds

This is a theme feature, so the settings will vary from theme to theme. Depending on the theme, you will see different background image style options.

If your theme doesn't support background images, then it's still possible to use the plugin to convert theFull screen background imageAdd to site.

How to Optimize WordPress Images Without Losing Quality

One of the most common image problems encountered by WordPress users is how to get an image without losing the quality of the image compressed imageThe

In addition to faster uploads, optimized images load faster on the front-end, improving user experience andReduced bounce rate. This is because they consume less bandwidth, saving data usage for users with limited internet connections. 

Search engines also consider page speed when ranking websites. Optimized imagesHelps reduce loading time, potentiallyImprove website SEO.

Optimizing images is still relatively simple. We recommendOptimoleThis excellent image optimization plugin.

Automatically compress images using powerful machine learning algorithms

How to Add Caption Attributes to WordPress Images

While the caption attribute is not necessary for the functionality of the image, it provides a short description of the image that appears when the user hovers over it.

This can improve the user experience by providing visitors with more contextual information. For example, if there is a picture of a delicious chocolate cake, then "Homemade Chocolate Cake"A title attribute like that might be a little better.

Example of an image with caption attribute in WordPress

Title Attributes for WordPress SEOare also highly beneficial. While they don't directly affect search rankings, they can help search engines understand image content and improve the accessibility of your website.

How to Categorize and Tag Images in WordPress

If you are running a photography blog, then you will find that WordPress does not allow sorting of photos and images.

If it is possible to add tags to the images so that they can be easily navigated by yourself and the user.

There are a few plugins that do this.

Filter images by category

For photography-related blogs, the best option is to use theEnvira Gallery, it comes with a plugin that allows you to add tags.

Envira Gallery creates beautiful, mobile-friendly photo galleries in WordPress. Using tabs, users can easily filter and sort photos without even reloading the page.

Envira Gallery Labeling Features

How to Import External Images in WordPress

This issue often arises when migrating a website to WordPress. Some images on the site may still point to older locations.

This is especially true for users who import their blogs from Blogger, Squarespace or

While the images on the site may be displayed correctly, they are still loaded from an external source. To resolve this issue, simply install and activate theAutomatic uploading of diagramsTablet plug-in.

Automatic Image Upload Plugin Settings

After updating or saving any post or page, the plugin will check for external images. This can be done manually for each post or page, or you can bulk edit all posts and just click the update button.

These are some of the most common WordPress image issues, hope this helps. If other issues can be found in our"Q&A"Leave a message, or if you don't want to work it out yourself, you can "Contact Us"Help you out!

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