Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

This article discusses why upgrading to Elementor Pro provides full theme building, integration, advanced support and more advanced features. Read on to find out whether to stay with the free version of Elementor or upgrade to Pro.

Elementor vs.

If you've been using the Elementor Page Builder plugin for a while, we're guessing you've been asking yourself a question lately:

"I should continue to use Elementor Free EditionOr upgrade to Elementor Pro?"

Elementor is a user-friendly drag-and-drop page builder with which you can easily create some amazing WordPress websites. It offers endless design possibilities and the free version works great. We even have an in-depth review of Elementor.

But like anything in the world, when you reach a certain point, you want more.

Elementor Pro gives you more options to speed up your workflow. For example, while there are always solutions, creating pop-ups is much easier with Elementor Pro. Want to add animated text or captions? That's possible, too!

Also, on a more technical level, if you want to add some custom CSS, the Pro version lets you do this quickly and easily.

You can do a lot with the free version of Elementor, and you can do even more when you upgrade to the Pro version. What exactly is the difference between the two? Should you invest in Elementor Pro?

That's exactly what we're going to help you with in this article. We're going to answer all of these questions to help you decide whether to use Elementor Free or Pro for your next project.

Elementor vs. Elementor Pro: Key Differences

hallmarkElementor Free EditionElementor Professional Edition
Drag and Drop Editor
Theme Generator
Advanced Support
Mobile Editor
300+ specialized templates and modules
Custom Fonts and Adobe TypeKit
Sliders and carousels
Custom CSS
scrolling effect
Animation Title
flip-top box
Popup Generator
viscous element
Social buttons and integrations
Social proof widget
Call to action widgets
Form Widget
Thematic elements
Display conditions
Header and footer
Sticky Headers
404 Page
a single copy
archive page
Role Manager
Contact form
Subscription Form
Login Form
Operation after submission and redirection

When upgrading to Elementor Pro, you technically get some of the existing free plug-ins in theAdditional Elementor Add-ons. Everything else remains the same. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the upgrade breaking your website or causing any other impact.

We'd like to start by mentioning the main differences between the free and pro versions.

Elementor Pro Adds More Widgets and Features

If you have been using the free version of Elementor, then you are probably already familiar with the following widgets. Upgrading to the Pro version will increase the number of widgets you can use.

Elementor Free Widgets

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Elementor Pro Widgets

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Elementor Pro WooCommerce Widgets

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

You don't necessarily need all of these widgets to build great looking pages, but they can help create more functional designs and pages or speed up the process.

By using the Elementor Pro version, it is possible to eliminate the need for certainThird-party plug-insneeds. For example, with the Form widget, you can build custom forms directly from the Elementor interface without the need for a form plugin. Similarly, the Slider widget lets you add performance-optimized sliders, and the Posts widget lets you display the latest blog posts in a grid.

Here alone, there is no need to install three separate plugins.

If you're running a WooCommerce store, you'll enjoy adding various widgets specific to WooCommerce.

Now that we've gotten started, want to create a WooCommerce store using Elementor? We have a detailed guide on how to build a WooCommerce website using Elementor and Astra themes.

Elementor Pro isn't the only way to add more widgets, though. Plugins like Elementor's Ultimate Addons will also add new widgets to the free version of Elementor (and Elementor Pro, if you have both).

Elementor Pro Unlocked Full Template Library

Elementor comes with an extensive library of templates, but most of them are limited to Elementor Pro. With Elementor Pro, you can use every page template and block in the library.

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

While this is a benefit, you don't need to purchase Elementor Pro to find tons of additional templates for the regular version of Elementor. For example, all of our website templates are built using the free version of Elementor. Therefore, if you use Astra ThemeYou can still build great websites without paying Elementor fees.

Visual Form Builder for Elementor Pro

The form builder that comes with Elementor Pro is definitely worth using.Forms are an integral part of any website. Whether it's a personal website, a company website or an online store, forms help your visitors get in touch with you, which in turn helps you collect leads.

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Forms are easy to create with Elementor Pro's drag and drop form builder. Customize and create beautiful online contact forms in minutes. Control every aspect of the layout and all form submissions can be managed right from the Elementor dashboard.

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Want to create multi-step forms? Use the Elementor Pro Form Builder option to easily create multi-step forms and improve the user experience. Also integrate your online forms with more than 30 marketing and automation tools, such as Zapier,MailChimp,ActiveCampaign cap (a poem) HubSpotThe

Enhanced Customization with Elementor Pro Theme Builder

With the Elementor theme builder, every element of your WordPress website can be controlled. From designing custom headers and footers to individual pages and single posts, it's easy to customize them.

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

The best part is that no matter what WordPress themes you use, you can design them intuitively without having to know how to code. Using Elementor's WooCommerce builder, you can also customize the layout of your online store. Just make sure you're using an Elementor WooCommerce compatible theme to make everything easy.

Want to get creative with your 404 pages? With the Pro version, it's a breeze.

If you want to build everything with Elementor, then this is a strong reason to choose Elementor Pro.

If you only want to create custom headers or footers for your website, then you don't really need the Pro version.Astra Pro's Custom Layout module allows you to design your own custom headers or footers without the need for Elementor Pro.

Elementor Pro Pricing

We now know that the Elementor Pro version comes with many add-ons and widgets that can help you improve your workflow. It does come with a fee though. While the price varies, it depends entirely on the number of licenses needed and the type of support you need.

Elementor Pro Pricing

Professional Programsintegralhighmasterorganization
Price (per year)$59$99$199$999
Number of website licenses13251000
be in favor ofqualityqualityqualityhonored guest
Expert Site Kit2020
Elementor Expert Profile

Based on the above data, if you are working on only one site, then choose thebasic plan. If you're working on multiple sites, you'll need Elementor Pro for all of them.

You'll be happy with Elementor if you only need the following

  • You just want to design some basic but good looking content. You don't need advanced widgets like pricing tables or forms.
  • Don't use custom CSS too often. it's still possible to add custom CSS classes and IDs, just not with the live code editor for individual widgets and sections.
  • Flexible themes are already in use. For example, Astra Pro can help you get some of the features in Elementor Pro, such as the ability to create custom headers and footers.

Be sure to buy Elementor Pro if you meet the following criteria:

  • Plan to build more complex content and login page designs. Getting StartedContent beyond the basic pageExtra widgets are really useful when it comes to...
  • WooCommerce is being used. the WooCommerce widgets give you great flexibility.
  • Adding CSS directly to widgets and sections can really speed up your workflow.
  • Want to build the entire theme using the Elementor interface. To use Elementor's theme builder, also select theHigh-quality themesThe
  • It's like having access to all the templates. You can set theGetting Started Templates and the Free Version of ElementorUsed together, it's still useful.
  • Plan to reuse the same widget on multiple pages. Global widgets will be your best partner!

Elementor Pro Main Features

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

We did mention before the main differences between the free and pro versions of Elementor. Now we will cover some of the other main features of Elementor Pro.

1,Full theme building capabilities

  • Post Generator
Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Elementor's theme builder lets you design individual post templates from scratch. Beautifully designed blog posts can be created using Elementor Pro.

Want to use different layouts for different blog posts?

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

For example, use different templates for blog posts, review posts, product posts, etc. The custom individual post templates created allow you to do this.

With Elementor Pro, it is possible to build blog post templates using dynamic widgets. This way, when you create a blog post, all the dynamic widgets populate the actual website content.

  • Header and footer generator
Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Elementor Pro offers complete flexibility and control to intuitively design your website's header and footer areas. This includes sticky headers and over 25 brand new header and footer blocks that are fully compatible with almost any WordPress theme.

To edit the header and footer, simply go from the WordPress dashboard to theTemplates > ThemeBuilder. Add a new template for the header or footer.

You can choose from pre-built header (or footer) templates, or you can build them from scratch. After creating the header (or footer), you can choose where to display it, which by default is the entire site.

Creating custom headers with Elementor is as simple as that.

When we do this, we can also view the Astra Header Footer BuilderThe

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Astra drag and drop header and footer generator gives you complete freedom to customize your website navigation without coding.

It is possible to build any type of header and footer efficiently and intuitively. The header builder allows you to add logos, main menus, sub-menus, buttons, HTML code, social icons and more, while the footer builder allows you to add footer menus, social icons and other widgets to your footer.

To use the header and footer generator, go to the Astra welcome page (assuming the Astra theme is installed and updated) under theAppearance > Astra OptionsThe

You will notice a button that says "Use the new header/footer generator". Simply click on the button to start designing headers and footers.

2. Pop-up window generator

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Popup Builder is a feature of Elementor Pro. Use this feature to create any type of popup. From lead capture forms, announcements, subscription forms, ad banners, exit intents and more.

Elementor provides pre-built popup templates that can be used in projects. Optionally, you can use certain predefined parameters and triggers to display popups on specific pages.

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

For example, it is possible to display a pop-up window after the page has fully loaded. It is also possible to display a pop-up window based on a customer action (e.g., clicking a button).

With Elementor Pro, you can also choose to display the popup as full screen, slide it in, or display it at the top or bottom of the page.

3. WooCommerce Store Builder

Elementor WooCommerce Builder allows you to customize every part of your online store. Individual product pages, archive product pages and other store pages can be created intuitively, regardless of the WordPress theme.

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Drag and drop the WooCommerce widget to customize the store the way you want.

Some of the widgets that can be used on product pages include:

  • Add to cart button
  • Product Price
  • Product name and description
  • Up-selling
  • Product Ratings
  • crumb
  • Product Inventory

There's a lot more.

Custom store elements can also be created using some pre-built templates.

4. Integration

Seamlessly integrate your favorite marketing and CRM tools into your website with Elementor Pro. From email marketing tools to third-party WordPress plugins and social networks, Elementor gives you a full suite of integrations.

Below is a partial list of some of the features that may be integrated with Elementor Pro.

Marketing Tools
  • Webb (English name)
  • Mohinder (name)
  • Proactive marketing activities
  • conversion tool
  • HubSpot
  • MailChimp
  • Send Blue
  • Zapir
WordPress Plugin
  • Study Sprint
  • Member News
  • Ranking Math
  • toolset
  • Mentor Learning Management System
  • WooCommerce
  • yogurt
social networking
  • Google Maps
  • Facebook Developer Kit
  • loosely
  • SoundCloud
  • spotlights
  • Vimeo
  • YouTube

5. Advanced support

Elementor provides support for all users. They have a dedicated support team, articles, knowledge base and video tutorials. All of these can help you with your page builder related issues.

Need extra help?Elementor Pro users enjoy 24/7 quality support and your queries will be resolved within a day.

There's also VIP support, which allows you to chat with the support team in real time and receive your response within 30 minutes.

While the Basic, Advanced and Expert plans offer premium support, only the Studio and Agent plans offer VIP support.

6, Elementor Pro's other important features

Real-time CSS customization
Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

The free version of Elementor allows you to add custom CSS classes and IDs, while Elementor Pro allows adding CSS styles directly to individual widgets or sections. If you prefer to use your own custom CSS, this will dramatically increase productivity.

Custom Fonts and Adobe TypeKit

If all of the above features don't satisfy you, here's another reason to consider upgrading to Elementor Pro.

With Elementor Pro, you can add your own custom fonts to your projects and Typekit Fonts. Also, connect to Adobe Fonts and choose from hundreds of Google fonts.

Want to use icons and upload your own SVG files? The Pro version does it all. And access over 5,300 great icons directly from your Font Awesome Pro license.

Motion and mouse effects
Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Elementor Pro's Motion Effects is a powerful toolset to help create fantastic motion effects and mouse animations. Some of the effects that can be created with Elementor Pro include:

  • 3D Tilt
  • blurred
  • Horizontal scrolling
  • mouse track
  • parallax effect
  • revolve
  • ballpark
  • transparency

Web designers can use these effects to integrate animations and motion effects without having to merge custom code and external libraries. Continue to bring your website to life with these powerful animations!

Global Widget

If planning to reuse the same widget on multiple pages, global widgets will save you tons of time. Similar to saving widgets as templates, they allow you to quickly reuse the same design ...... but with slight differences.

If you want to update a global widget in the future, any changes made will be automatically pushed to each instance of that global widget.

Sound familiar? Yes, the Gutenberg block pattern allows you to do something very similar.

Embedded in any position

With Embed Anywhere, Elementor templates can be inserted anywhere on the website using shortcodes or widgets. For example, you can use this feature to design a CTA that goes to the sidebar of your website via a widget.

Combined with theme building, this gives you another way to apply the Elementor interface to your entire site.

Choosing Elementor vs. Elementor Pro: It Shouldn't Be a Dilemma

Benefits of Upgrading to Elementor Pro: Full Feature Analysis and Comparison

Since Elementor Pro is an add-on to Elementor, there's no need to have a hard time choosing which one to go with right now. Simply start with the free version of Elementor and see if it meets your needs. If you feel limited, upgrade to Elementor Pro by uploading the Elementor Pro plugin - no configuration process is required and you won't lose any of the work you've done previously.

Regardless of which version of Elementor is chosen, Astra themes are built to be a best friend to Elementor and Elementor Pro.

Select Astra to receive:

  • A performance-oriented foundation that makes your Elementor designs load extremely fast.
  • Flexible page controls that let you disable certain page/post elements so they don't get in the way of your design.
  • Easily control the look of your Elementor designs with WordPress Customizer's easy global style control.


This article delves into the key differences between Elementor and Elementor Pro to help users understand whether to upgrade to the Pro version.Elementor Pro significantly enhances the customization capabilities and functionality of your website by adding advanced widgets, template libraries, a form builder, a popup builder, and a WooCommerce store builder.

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