How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress

How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress

Are you receiving tons of spam emails through your website's contact form? This situation can give you a headache, but WordPress offers several automated ways to block spam contact forms.

In this article, we will share 5 speciesEffective methods to help youReduce and stop Contact form spam in WordPress.

Why do I need to block contact form spam?

Contact form spam is usually sent by auto-generated bots. Even smaller WordPress blogs and websites are easy targets. These spam bots crawl websites and look for insecure forms in order to spam you with links via email.

Here are a few effective ways to help you prevent contact form spam on your WordPress website.

1. Choose the right WordPress form plugin

Many WordPress contact form plugins do not have built-in spam protection. We recommend using the WPForms plugin because it has powerful built-in anti-spam features such as reCAPTCHA and custom CAPTCHA that effectively block spam without affecting the user experience.


  1. Installation and activation WPForms Plug-ins.
How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress
  1. Create a new contact form.
  2. WPForms automatically enables anti-spam tokens for your forms.
How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress

2. Use ReCAPTCHA check box

Provided by Google ReCAPTCHA Tools can effectively block spam bots.


  1. Enable reCAPTCHA in the WPForms settings.
  2. Get Google reCAPTCHA site key and secret key and add them to WPForms settings.
How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress
  1. Add the reCAPTCHA checkbox to your contact form.
How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress

3. Utilization Google Invisible reCAPTCHA

Invisible reCAPTCHA works like regular reCAPTCHA, but does not require the user to check the checkbox.


  1. Select "Invisible reCAPTCHA badges" on the Google website.
How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress
  1. Enable "Invisible reCAPTCHA v2" in WPForms settings.
How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress
  1. Add invisible reCAPTCHA to your contact form.

4. Use of customized CAPTCHAs

Some website owners don't want to use Google's reCAPTCHA. WPForms Pro offers the Custom CAPTCHA plugin to create your own question-based CAPTCHA to block spam.


  1. Activate the Custom CAPTCHA plugin in the WPForms plugin.
How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress
  1. Add the Custom Captcha field to your contact form.
How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress
  1. Create several different questions to increase the difficulty.
How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress

5. Prevent spam bots from seeing your form

Spam bots can be blocked by password-protecting your contact form or by displaying the form only to registered users.


Password protection:

  1. In the WordPress editor open the "Contact Us"Page.
  2. Set the page to "password protection".
  3. Enter your password and save the page.
How to Block Contact Form Spam in WordPress

concluding remarks

There are many ways to stop WordPress contact form spam. Choosing the right method will not only improve the security of your website, but also enhance the user experience. If the problem persists, it is recommended to check other possible causes such as file permissions or plugin conflicts.

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