How to Upload WebP Images in WordPress

WebP is a modern image format with smaller file sizes while maintaining high quality. Using WebP images can significantly improve website performance and loading speed. Here is a detailed tutorial on how to upload WebP images in WordPress.

How to Upload WebP Images in WordPress

Why choose WebP format images?

  • Smaller file sizes: Compared to JPEG and PNG, WebP images have smaller file sizes, reducing bandwidth consumption.
  • higher quality: WebP maintains high image quality with small file sizes.
  • SEO Advantages: Faster loading speeds improve the user experience, which helps with SEO.

How to Upload WebP Images in WordPress

WordPress 5.8 and above

  • WebP upload support: In WordPress 5.8 and above, you can directly upload images in WebP format without additional plugins.
  • compatibility: Make sure your WordPress is updated to the latest version to enjoy this feature.

WordPress 5.8 and below

  • WebP uploads are not supported: By default, WordPress versions below 5.8 do not support the WebP format and require a plugin.

1. Use the plug-in to enable WebP support

Recommended Plug-in: WebP Express

  • Installing the WebP Express Plug-in::
    1. Log in to your WordPress admin backend.
    2. Go to "plug-in (software component)" > "Installation of new plug-ins".
    3. Search for "WebP Express" and click "Now installing".
    4. After the installation is complete, click "activate"Plugins.
How to Upload WebP Images in WordPress
  • Configuring the WebP Express Plug-in::
    1. In the WordPress admin backend, go to "set up" > "WebP Express".
    2. In the Configuration page, you can set the quality and caching policy for WebP images.
    3. Save the settings.
How to Upload WebP Images in WordPress

2. Convert an existing image to WebP format 🔄

Using the plug-in: Converter for Media

  • Install the Converter for Media plug-in::
    1. Go to "plug-in (software component)" > "Install New Plugin"The
    2. Search for "Converter for Media" and click "Now installing".
    3. After the installation is complete, click "activate"Plugins.
How to Upload WebP Images in WordPress
  • Converting images::
    1. In the WordPress admin backend, go to "media, esp. news media" > "Converter for Media".
    2. Click "Start conversion" button to convert existing JPEG and PNG images to WebP format.
    3. Wait for the conversion to complete.

3. Uploading WebP images

With the plugin enabled, you can upload WebP images directly as you would any other format.

Method 1: Using plug-ins

Using plugins is the easier way. Here are a few popular plugins that support WebP uploads:

  1. Enable Media Replace: This plugin not only allows uploading WebP images, but also replacing existing media files.
  2. Imagify: This is an image optimization plugin that supports uploading and converting in WebP format.
  3. Smush: Another plugin to optimize images and support WebP formats.

Take the Smush plugin for example:

How to Upload WebP Images in WordPress
  1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard.
  2. In the left-hand menu, select plug-in (software component) > Installation of new plug-insThe
  3. Type "Smush" in the search bar.
  4. Installation and activation Smush Plug-ins.
  5. In the left-hand menu, select Smush > set upThe
  6. Find and enable WebP Conversion Options.

Method 2: Manually upload and use WebP images

If you already have WebP images and want to use them manually, you can use the FTP maybe cPanel The file manager uploads WebP images to the WordPress site's wp-content/uploads folder. Then, reference these images by editing the HTML code of the page or article.

How to Upload WebP Images in WordPress


<img src="

This can also be done by logging into your WordPress dashboard and navigating to "media, esp. news media">"Add file", just select your WebP image to upload.

How to Upload WebP Images in WordPress

draw attention to sth.

  • Browser compatibility: Although most modern browsers support WebP, a few do not. Make sure your site has fallback mechanisms to display images in other formats.
  • Test loading speed: Use PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to test your site's loading speed and make sure your optimization is effective.

reach a verdict

By using WebP images in WordPress, you can dramatically improve your site's performance, improve the user experience, and help with SEO optimization.

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