WordPress Elementor Prompts Error Cannot Save 500 Solution Guide

The 500 Internal Server Error is a common server error that is usually caused by a website's server environment. This error can cause a website to become inaccessible and affect the user experience. In this article, we will explore500 errorand provide solutions to the common causes of this problem, specifically targeting the use ofElementorconstructedWordPressWebsite.

WordPress Elementor Prompts Error Cannot Save 500 Solution Guide

Common Causes of 500 Errors

1.lack of memory In most cases, the 500 error is caused by insufficient memory being allocated for the site.Elementor requires at least 128MB of RAM to function properly, and it is recommended that 512MB of RAM be allocated if other plugins are installed on the site.

WordPress Elementor Prompts Error Cannot Save 500 Solution Guide

2.Third-party plug-in issues If Elementor is not the only plugin used, then the 500 error may be a plugin conflict or compatibility issue caused by another plugin.

3.fatal error The 500 error can also be the result of other fatal errors that usually originate from the site'sPHP fileThe

    How to check the source of 500 errors

    Before resolving the 500 error, you first need to know the exact source of the error. Here are some steps to check the error log:

    • Checking PHP error logs: PHP error logs usually indicate the exact cause of the problem. If unsure how to access the PHP error logs, contact the provider for help if it is hosted.
    • Request PHP logs: If the hosting provider is unable to help, you can request them to send PHP logs.
    • Contact Elementor Support: Attach PHP logs to a support ticket and the Elementor support team can help you further.

    Solution for 500 error

    1. Increase PHP memory limit

    First check and increase the PHP memory limit. Most server issues are caused by reaching the PHP memory limit. Increase the memory limit by updating thewp-config.phpfile, which can increase the PHP memory limit:

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

    Add the above code to thewp-config.phpAt the end of the file, increase the PHP memory limit to 512MB. this will resolve the 500 error caused by insufficient memory.

    WordPress Elementor Prompts Error Cannot Save 500 Solution Guide

    2. Check for damaged .htaccess files

    If the problem persists, check the site's.htaccessFile. Use FTP or cPanel to access the file manager, locate and rename the.htaccessDocumentation:

    • commander-in-chief (military).htaccessRename the file to.htaccess newThe
    • Visit the website and confirm that the 500 error is gone.
    • Navigate to the WordPress admin dashboard's "set up">"link (on a website)" page, click "save (a file etc) (computing)" button generates a new.htaccessfile, to prevent 404 errors.

    3. Disable all plug-ins

    Plugin conflicts are also a common cause of 500 errors. You can troubleshoot plugin issues by following the steps below:

    • Deactivate all plugins: go toplug-in (software component)>Installed plug-ins, select all plug-ins, selectBulk deactivationThen click on "appliance"Button.
    • One by one activation plugin: If the problem disappears, activate the plugins one by one to find the one that triggered the problem.
    WordPress Elementor Prompts Error Cannot Save 500 Solution Guide

    Situation-specific solutions

    The error appears on all pages

    If you get a 500 error on all website pages, try the following steps:

    1. Backup your website data.
    2. Make sure to use the latest version of Elementor and Elementor Pro.
    3. Deactivate all plugins except Elementor and Elementor Pro and see if that fixes the problem. Then reactivate the plugins one by one to find the one that is triggering the problem.

    The error appears on a specific page

    If the 500 error only appears on a specific page, try the following steps:

    1. Go to Appearanceerror pageThe
    2. click (using a mouse or other pointing device)Updates/releasesbuttonsThe arrow next to theThe
    3. Select "Save As Template" and named it.
    4. Open a new page and click on "Add Template" and insert the saved template.

    reach a verdict

    The 500 Internal Server Error can be caused by a variety of reasons, commonlyIncluding out of memory,plug-in conflictcap (a poem)PHP file errors. By checking PHP error logs, increasing memory limits, checking the.htaccessfiles as well as deactivating plugins can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the issue. If the problem persists, it is recommended to contact your server hosting provider or official Elementor technology for assistance.

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