How to Fix 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress: Detailed Guide

See on the WordPress site 503 ServicesUnavailable error? This is a frustrating issue because it doesn't provide any specific cause for the error. In this article, we will show you how to fix 503 Service Unavailable error in WordPress.

503 What is a Service Unavailable error?

How to Fix 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress: Detailed Guide

The 503 Service Unavailable error indicates that your web server is unable to process any requests due to overload or maintenance. A 503 error occurs when your web server is unable to get a proper response from a PHP script. This PHP script could be a WordPress plugin, theme, or a custom code snippet that is misbehaving.

All WordPress hosting companies offer a fixed number of resources per hosting account. For websites on shared hosting, this limit may cause problems when server resources are heavily used. If the error is caused by overuse, server failure, or a DDoS attack, the error may go away automatically within a few minutes. However, if the error is caused by an error code on your site, the error will continue to occur unless the code causing the error is found and disabled.

Fix 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress

To resolve the 503 error, we need todisableAll unnecessary PHP scripts until the error is resolved. Below are the detailed steps:

1. Disable all WordPress plugins

Since the 503 error prevents you from logging into your WordPress dashboard, you need to connect to your site using an FTP client or the file manager in cPanel.

After connecting, go to /wp-content/ folder, then right-click the "plugins" folder and rename it to "plugins-old".

Next, create a new folder and name it plugins. then visit your WordPress site and see if the error resolves. If it does resolve the error, a plugin is causing the problem.

How to Fix 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress: Detailed Guide

To find the specific plugin in question, delete the new plugins folder and rename the plugins-old folder to plugins.This will restore all the plugins, but they will remain deactivated. Activate plugins one by one in the WordPress dashboard until you find the plugin causing the problem.

2. Switch to the default WordPress theme

If deactivating the plugin doesn't solve the problem, the next step is to switch to the default WordPress theme. Connect to your site using an FTP client or cPanel file manager and navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ Folder.

How to Fix 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress: Detailed Guide

Download the currently active theme folder as a backup, then delete it from the server. If the default theme (e.g. Twenty Twenty-Four) is already installed, it will be activated automatically. Otherwise, install and activate the default theme. Check if the error has been resolved.

3. Reinstall WordPress with a new copy.

If the problem persists, you may need to reinstall WordPress. back up your site, then uninstall and reinstall WordPress.

4. Upgrade server resources

If the web server resources are not enough to handle all the requests, consider upgrading your hosting plan. Before proceeding with the upgrade, contact the hosting provider to find out the exact reason. If it's because of a lack of server resources, opt for a higher priced package or a fastertrusteeshipService Providers.


With the detailed steps outlined in this article, it is possible to use FTP to quickly add a new admin user and regain control of your website when locked out of the WordPress admin area. Whether you use an FTP client or a file manager in your hosting control panel, the key is to perform the steps precisely and remove the added code snippets promptly after completion.

How to Fix 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress: Detailed Guide

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