Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Do you want your WordPress website to appear in Google News? Getting your website featured in Google News can skyrocket your website traffic and help you attract new audience segments. It also helps build credibility and authority for your brand.

How to Submit a WordPress Website to Google News

What is Google News?

Launched in 2002, Google News is a news aggregator that displays the latest news and stories from the past 30 days.Google News aims to provide the latest news updates and headlines from around the world. It uses multiple sources to deliver its content and is available in multiple languages.

When performing a Google search, there may be a "Hot Stories"See results from Google News below selected clips.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Why should you submit your WordPress website to Google News?

Google News is one of the most trusted sources when people are looking for the latest stories from around the world. Having your WordPress website appear in the Google News section can instantly increase your natural traffic and help attract new audiences.

It also helps to build credibility and authority for your brand, as your website may be showcased alongside big brands such as The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. This shows that your website is trustworthy and provides quality information.

Getting recommendations in Google News can have a huge impact on yourWordPress SEOMake a positive impact. More websites will choose your content as a source for providing backlinks. As a result, your site's rankings for other keywords will improve.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Requests to be considered in Google News

As of December 2019, there is no need to submit a website to qualify for Google News. Eligible publishers are now automatically considered for inclusion in Google's search "Top Stories"Selected Clips and"public information" in the tab.

By submitting your WordPress site to Google News, you will increase your chances of being recommended.

Always make sure you are in compliance with the Google News Policy.Google has developed specific content guidelines for determining whether your content is eligible to appear in the Google News section. If your site does not meet these guidelines, it will be rejected.

For example, your content should not be dangerous, deceptive, hateful or contain violence or gore. Similarly, advertising should not go beyond your content, and you should disclose whether your content is sponsored.

Creating a Google News Sitemap in WordPress

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

The first thing that needs to be done is to create a Google News sitemap for your website. After setting up the news sitemap, you can submit your website to Google News.

A sitemap is a file that lists all of your website's content and helps Google find new articles and display them in search results. It also enables search engine robots to crawl your site faster and improve indexing of content.

It is important to note that the Google News Sitemap is different from a regular XML sitemap in that it contains only news articles, which allows search engines to quickly find content that needs to appear in the news section.

To create a Google News sitemap, we recommend using theall-in-one SEO (AIOSEO). It is the best WordPress SEO Plugins that can help optimize your website for search engines without hiring an expert or requiring technical knowledge.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Installation of the AIOSEO plug-in

First, install and activate the AIOSEO plug-in.

Upon activation, the plugin will launch a setup wizard. "Click the "Get Started" button on your website!configure AIOSEO.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Configuring the News Site Map

After that, you can go from the WordPress dashboard to the All in One SEO " SitemapsThen navigate to "News Sitemap" tab. Click "Activate News Site Map"Button.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

After activation, make sure that "Enable Site Map" switch has been turned on. There is also an option to preview the news site map.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

It is possible to scroll down and edit other settings related to the News Site Map. For example, you can add the name of the publication that will be entered in the Publisher Center in the next step. If no name is entered, AIOSEO willAuto-UseThe title of your site.

You can choose what to include in the news sitemap under Post Type.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

You can include posts, pages and events, or check the "Include all post types" checkbox. Be sure to note that the Google News sitemap will includeWithin the last 48 hoursPosted in.

Next, you can click the Advanced Settings toggle and exclude any pages or posts that you don't want to be included in the news sitemap.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

When you are done, continue and click "Save Changes"Button.

AIOSEO will now create a Google News sitemap for your WordPress website.

Submit your WordPress website to Google News!

Once the news sitemap is ready, you can submit your website to Google News. First, you must visit the Google Publisher Center website and sign in with your Google account.

Add your WordPress site to Google News!

Once you have logged in, you will see the "Getting Started in the Publisher Center" page. Simply click on "Add your publication" link to continue. Alternatively, you can enter the URL of the site and click the "increase".

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Next, a pop-up window will appear where you can add publication details. Enter the WordPress blog's URL cap (a poem)name (of a thing)and select their country/region and primary language.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

After entering these details, check the box to certify that your publication is primarily and permanently located in the country of your choice and click "Add publication"Button.

Verify that you have a WordPress site

If you have not yet verified with Google that you own the site, you will be asked to do so immediately. You should click on the "Open the Search Console" link, which will open the Google Search Console website in a new browser tab. Now, you can follow our instructions on how to add a WordPress website to the Google Search Console guidelines to verify that you own the site.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

After that, you can go back and click "check and verify" link, and then click the "fulfillment"Button.

Customize Your Google Press Release Settings

Your publication will be added to the Publisher Center and its settings can be customized. It is necessary to scroll down to "More Options" box, then click the arrow on the right side of the screen to expand the "Managing your publications and organization"Part.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

This will show three options. You need to click on the first option "Modifying Publishing Settings".

At the top of the page, you will see some general settings, including the publication name, country/region and language that you entered earlier. These can be modified if necessary.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

You can now scroll down and expand the Publication URL section. Here you can see the main URL you entered earlier, and you can also add other URLs associated with the publication.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Google News will use these links as a source of Google News content.

Next, scroll down and expand "contact point" section. Here, the publication's contact e-mail address can be added.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Finally, it is possible to expand "Visual Style" section. Logos can be added to your publications here.

Google News offers several options for adding a logo to your website. There is an option to enter a square logo and a rectangular logo. Additionally, it is possible to uploadCustom Fonts. Your logo and fonts will be saved automatically after upload.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

After uploading the logo, simply click on the top "← Settings" button to return to the Publisher Center home page.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Configuring Google News Settings

Now, there are still some Google News settings that need to be configured. This can be done by clicking near the top of the page on the "Open" in the Google News boxbutton to find them.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

This opens the Google News configuration page where you can customize the basic information and sections of the publication.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Customizing basic information about publications

Continue and click on the "Edit" button to configure your website for Google News. You can now enter basic information about the publication and distribution details. In the "Basic Information" under which the publication category can be selected from a drop-down menu.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

If you scroll down, you will see the distribution settings. By default, your content will be available in all countries and other Google products. However, you can allow and block specific countries from the "Country" drop-down menu.limitationYour website is displayed in certain regions. Similarly, Google property settings can be changed from the drop-down menu.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Don't forget to click the Next button when you're done.

Add Google News section

After that, you need to add sections in Google News, which will appear as tabs. Sections help organize your content in Google News. For example, you can add videos, website locations, feeds, or create a personalized feed for your website.

First, simply click "+ new part" button and select an option. In this tutorial, we will add a Feed.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Go ahead and add the section title, the RSS feed URL that Google News will use as the content feed, and select who can view this section. After entering these details, click "increase"Button.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

You can add as many sections as you need to organize your publications in Google News.

In addition, you can restrict certain parts of publications in the Google News app to specific people in the Access Groups setting.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Don't forget to click the Next button when you're done.

Reviewing and distributing your publications

After that, you can view all the missing items in the "Google News App Publishing Status" andbeta (software)Your application. Simply click the "Review" button for any item to see what information is missing or what requirements are not met.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Before submitting a publication, you can scroll down to "Test your publications" section, and then click "Focus on publications" button. This will make your website show up in the Google News app on the "favorites folder (web browser)"Down.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Submit Your WordPress Website to Google News Successfully

Next, you can go ahead and click on the "Google News App Publishing Status" box under "post" button and sign the Terms of Service Agreement.

The publication has now been successfully submitted for review. The review process usually takes 2 weeks or more to complete.

reach a verdict

Submitting your WordPress website to Google News can significantly increase your website traffic and help you attract new audiences. By following the step-by-step tutorial in this article, you can ensure that your website is Google News compliant and successfully submit your site with the correct settings and configuration.

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