How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

How to set up sales tax in WooCommerce. First, it's important to know the correct tax rate and understand how to set it up manually. Then, we'll cover some WooCommerce extensions that can be used to simplify the process.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

Using the default WooCommerce tax settings

By default, WooCommerce can set sales tax rates for products. Below is a step-by-step process for using this feature.

Step 1: Enable WooCommerce Taxes and Configure Tax Options

First, enable the tax feature for the store. In the WordPress dashboard, navigate to theWooCommerce → SettingsThe

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

exist"Conventional"Under the tab, look for the Enable Taxes option and check the box that accompanies it.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save Changes"The 

Now, scroll up to the top and you will see a newly created"Taxes." Tab. Click on it and you will see the tax options.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

First, a decision needs to be made as to whether the price of the product is inclusive or exclusive of tax. If the latter is chosen, the tax will be calculated and added to the customer's bill at checkout.

Next, you need to choose how the tax will be calculated. The options include

  • Customer Billing Address
  • Customer shipping address (default)
  • storage base address

If you choose the last option, the tax will be calculated based on the area where the store is located, not the area where the customer is located. Regardless of where the customer shops from, they will pay the same percentage of tax on each product.

WooCommerce also requires a choice of shipping tax brackets. By default there are four options:

  • Shipping tax brackets based on shopping cart items
  • (an official) standard 
  • reduce rates
  • zero interest rate

In most cases, the first option is the best. This means that the shipping tax will be based on the tax bracket of the items in the shopping cart. Therefore, if baby clothes are taxed at a lower rate, the same rate will apply to shipping.

There is also an option to enable rounding on the subtotal instead of each line. The tax calculation will be applied to the subtotal for the entire order instead of rounding the tax for each line in the cart. If a customer has more than one item in their cart, the tax will be calculated for each item first, then added up and finally rounded.

Next, you will see the option to add more taxes. By default, WooCommerce offers three tax rates: standard, reduced, and zero.

In this case, these taxes can be created in the box provided.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

Let's say that the region in which it is located imposes an "eco-tax" on certain products. This can be added to the field.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

After you save your changes, you will see a tab for creating a new tax next to the existing tax.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

This tutorial will cover how to configure these tax classes later. For now, the remaining tax options need to be completed first.

WooCommerce provides the option to display prices in the store with or without tax. Similarly, it is possible to choose whether the prices in the shopping cart and at checkout are tax inclusive or not.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

If you previously chose to enter a price without tax, it makes sense to select the same option here. Similarly, if you chose to enter a price inclusive of tax, you should select "Inclusive of tax".

In fact, if these settings are inconsistent, it warns of possible rounding errors.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

It's also possible to set tags for prices so customers know if the price is inclusive or exclusive of tax. Simply enter {price_including_tax} or {price_excluding_tax} depending on your preference.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

Finally, you need to choose whether you want to display the total tax amount as a single amount or as an itemized list at checkout:

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

To keep things simple for customers, you can choose "as a single total". This is standard practice for many stores. However, if your store sells products with several different tax rates, it is best to itemize the tax.

Step 2: Setting the tax rate

Now that the tax settings have been configured, it's time to set the tax rates. This process needs to be performed for each tax rate used by the store (although it will be the same in each case). How to set the standard tax rate, most of our users do cross-border, so we'll use the US store as an example.

exist"Taxes."Under the tab, select the tax bracket you want to set.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

Then clickinsertion line, you can start filling in the tax rate fields.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

These are the details that need to be entered:

  • country code: Here, a two-digit country/area code needs to be assigned to the rate. This can be done using theISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codeFind the official code for each country/region. If you do not want to specify a country/region, just leave this field blank.
  • State code: In the U.S., it is also necessary to enterTwo-digit state codeto indicate the rate.
  • zip code: WooCommerce also allows you to enter the zip code to which this rate applies. You can separate each code with a semicolon and use wildcards and ranges. For example, you can enter "30" to apply the rate to all zip codes that begin with those two digits.
  • municipalities:: Alternatively, the city or cities to which the rate applies may be designated. 
  • tempo: Here, it is necessary to enter the tax rate using three decimal places. For example, "20.000" can be entered to represent the standard tax rate for 20%.
  • name of tax: You can enter the name of the tax rate here, e.g. "VAT". 
  • Priorities: You will also need to select the priority of this tax rate. For example, if this rate should replace all other rates in the store, enter "1". If you want to define more than one tax rate for the same area, you need to specify a different priority for each tax rate. 
  • sea freight: Finally, you need to check this box if you want to apply the same tax rate to shipping.

When finished, click "Save Changes"The

If tax rates are calculated based on each customer's location, it may be necessary to enter tax rates for different regions. For example, if the product is geared towards US customers and the tax rate will be calculated based on their address, it may be necessary to set a rate for each state.

Of course, this would be very time-consuming. There are a number of WooCommerce extensions that can automatically apply the correct tax rates based on country, city, and other attributes.

If you want to set up other taxes, just click on "Reduced tax rates"maybe"Zero Tax" and follow the same procedure. This also applies to the "Tax Options" section.Any other taxes set up on the page.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

There is also an option to import a CSV file containing tax rate details. This can save a lot of time if this information is already available.

Exporting tax rates using the Export CSV option is also possible. This way, there is a secure copy of all tax rate details. In addition, if you want to use the same tax rates on another site, you can simply import the CSV file without having to enter all the information manually.

Step 3: Apply the new rates to products

Now that the sales tax rate has been created, it needs to be applied to the correct item. Go to "offerings" → "All Products", find the product to which you want to apply the tax rate, and select "compiler".

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

On the product page, scroll down to the"Product data"section and make sure to select the"General" tab.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

tax statusThe drop-down menu provides three options: "None", "Taxable" and "Freight only". For the last option, only shipping costs are taxed.

If you select "Taxable" or "Freight Only", you will need to select a tax bracket.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

For example, if selling baby clothes in the UK, select 'tax relief' for these items.

Now there's a way to apply tax status and categories to all products at once, rather than editing them one by one.WooCommerce enables batch editing of all products or items in a specific category. Items can also be updated in bulk based on product type and inventory status.

Navigate to the Products page and check the first checkbox (located below the batch action) to select all products.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

It is also possible to select only specific products using the available filters. For example, if a different tax category applies to clothing products than to other products, you can choose to bulk edit the category itself.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

existbatch operationmenu, selectcompilerand clickapplianceThen look for the Tax Status and Tax Category fields and use the drop-down menus to select the correct details. Then look for the "Tax Status" and "Tax Category" fields and use the drop down menus to select the correct details.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site

When you are ready, clickupdate. Just like that, sales tax is added to the product!

WooCommerce also provides tax reports. To access these reports, go to WooCommercereportingtax revenue. There, taxes can be viewed by code or year.

How to Set Up Sales Tax with WooCommerce on a WordPress Site


By following the steps above to configure and manage sales tax for WooCommerce, you can ensure that your online store is compliant with tax regulations and simplify the tax rate application and update process. Use bulk editing and automation tools to save time and increase productivity. If you need more help, feel free to use the extensions and plugins available for WooCommerce.

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